Chapter 2

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Wanda Maximoff

' Wanda Maximoff testing. Day 1'

A video starts. 13 year old me is laying on a table, I'm strapped to it so I can't escape. " Girl twin, state your name and age," Strucker orders. " Wanda Maximoff, 13 years old," younger me speaks. " Today we will be injecting Wanda with our 'Zelený vosk'. Later we will do the same to the Boy twin," Strucker says into the camera. He takes a green serum that is in a needle and injects it into me. A few seconds later I start screaming and squirming around. " Ow! Stop it! Make it stop! It hurts," Younger me cries out. It goes on for about 3 more minutes then she stops. I'm breathing heavily and my eyes are looking around frantically.

Tears are in my eyes as the video ends. I remember their testing like it was yesterday. The pain, the worry for my brother, the pain. I decide that's enough for tonight and I close the computer. I miss Pietro so much. I stand up and walk downstairs. Peter is drying dishes off, I fiddle with my fingers and lean against the counter. I feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes. But I don't want to let them go, not after the amazing day Peter and everyone has given me. " You okay baby," Peter asks me.

I avoid eye contact with him and nod. I'm afraid that if I speak my voice will be shaky. I hear Peter walk over to me, he uses his fingers to tilt my chin up so I'm now looking at him. " Hey, talk to me Wanda...What's wrong," He says softly. " It's just...I miss Pietro, today would have been his birthday also. I can't help but feel guilty that I am here and he...he isn't," I say with my voice cracking. " Oh...I'm so sorry Wands. I never met your brother. But if he's anything like you have told me then he loved you. So much. And he wanted you to be here, alive. Don't feel guilty, it's not your fault," Peter tells me.

I smile sadly with tears in my eyes still and I nod. Peter pulls me into his arms and I hug him back. " Thank you for tonight," I whisper against his chest. " Of course Wands, happy birthday," He smiles softly while glancing down at me.

He leans down and kisses me softly. I kiss him back then he pulls away. He smirks and I laugh and furrow my eyebrows. " What," I ask with a laugh. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I gasp and start giggling. " Peter! Put me down," I squeal. Peter walks up the stairs with me and sets me on the bed. He kisses me again but then pulls away. He lays down next to me and brings me into his arms. " I love you," He says. " I love you too," I sigh happily.


I yawn and sit up while stretching. Sunlight is creeping in through the window. Peter isn't in bed with me, I stand up and look around. Maybe he's downstairs. I walk downstairs but no one is down here. My eyebrows furrow and I shout, " Peter? Peter?!" I catch a piece of paper out of the corner of my eye. I walk over to it and read it. 'Hey Wands, sorry for not waking you. You needed the sleep. Just went on patrol, I'll be back soon'.

I sigh in relief and go back upstairs to the room. I decide to continue what I was looking at yesterday. I sit on the ground, I'm only wearing one of Peter's shirt. I open the computer and put in the next drive. It's Pietro's first testing. He reacts the same as I do, screaming due to the pain.


The most recent video I've watched was the video of me getting my powers. From the mind stone, however the video was cut during the part where I touched the stone. But there are a few more drives left, however one catches my attention. It's labeled ' Plans for the twins'. I grab it and put it into the computer. It starts playing and Strucker appears in front of the camera.

" After working with the Maximoff twins and their powers we have created a plan for them. There is a procedure where we will be able to control them completely. They will simply do whatever we tell them too, without having any problem with it. This process is called the ' Red Star procedure'. The process will take a few days. But first we will use a machine to erase their memories. The only things they will remember is the necessities. Then after that we will use a machine to make them emotionless. They won't feel anything unless it's physical. Then the last part we will be using a separate machine to make them do as we ask. We will use them as our soldiers. To do our dirty work."

They...they wanted to brainwash us? Oh my god, they wanted to brainwash us. But we escaped. So they didn't get a chance to. I stand up and close the computer. I hear the window open and I know it's Peter, so I don't turn around. I just stare at the ground, I don't know what to feel. " Wanda," my boyfriend speaks from behind me. I sigh and squeeze my eyes shut. " Yeah," I say with my voice cracking a little.

" Hey...What's wrong," Peter asks while walking in front of me. He's in his Spiderman suit but with no mask. He cups my face and I shrug, " Nothing...I'm fine." He gives me that look, he knows I'm lying. " HYDRA...they wanted to brainwash Pietro and I. They wanted to make us do their dirty work," I admit. He furrows his eyebrows in shock. " How," He whispers, I shrug again. " Some procedure," I tell him. " Well they don't have you anymore, they never will again. I have you, and I'm never letting you go," He smiles softly. I smile as well and let out a short laugh. He kisses my forehead and says, " I love you."

" I love you," I mumble against his chest. I pull away and I hear the door open downstairs. " Peter! Wanda," I hear May call out. Peter starts taking off his Spiderman suit, once he's out of it he is about to change when I stop him. " Woah, what happened here," I ask him while pointing to his shoulder. There are 3 big purple bruises there, he looks at his shoulder and his eyebrows furrow. " I don't know...nothing happened during patrol today. It was probably just reckless sleeping," He chuckles.

I smile also and just shrug it off. He finishes getting dressed and we go downstairs. May is standing by the door with bags of food. " You guys want food," She asks.

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