Chapter 19

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Gwen Stacy

I have just gotten to Peter's house. I decided to see him first. I knock on the door and it opens moments later. May is standing there, she has bags under her eyes and she looks really tired. Her hair is messy and she's wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. " Gwen...Peter's in his room honey," She tells me softly. I nod silently before walking up the stairs. I get to the room and the door is closed. I gently knock and there is no response. " Peter..I'm coming in," I speak. I open the door and it is pretty dark in the room. All of the lights are off, the curtains are closed, the only small source of light is coming from the sunlight shining through the edge of the curtains.

Peter is laying in the bed, he's on the side by the wall. He's facing me but he hasn't said anything. He's just holding a pillow to his chest and looking straight forward. I sniff and sit in the chair by his bed. It's silent for a while. I don't know what to say. " Have you...seen her yet," I ask him. He shakes his head slightly, " I can't- I...I don't want to see her...gone." " Is she going to have a funeral," I question. Peter nods and he squeezes his eyes shut.


Peter Parker

Gwen just left, she's going to be staying at her parents house for a while until she decides to go back to college. We talked about Wanda's funeral, it's going to be next Thursday. I'm not ready to say goodbye, I don't want to...because this one mean it's forever. And I don't know if I can handle that.

I look at my desk and see a familiar phone sitting there. It's been 2 days since she died. I haven't looked through any of her things. Her phone would be a start. I stand up and grab it, then I sit back down on bed. I turn the phone on and the lock screen lights up. It's a picture of me and her. It was last halloween, we went to a party that Gwen and Harry suggested we go to. Wanda and I made it our duty to dress up as Spiderman and the Scarlet Witch. But they weren't our actual suits, they were store bought from a costume store.

Wanda was laughing in the picture, and so was I. I had a drink in one hand and the other hand was on Wanda's around her waist. She had her hands in my Spiderman motion that I do. I smile at the picture and bite my lip to stop me from crying any more. I open the phone and my goal is to look at her camera roll.

Tons of pictures of me and her. Some of just me. Some of her and Gwen. Some of just Gwen. Some of Harry, Gwen, Wanda, and I. And a bunch of other pictures. I start from the bottom picture, which is a picture of the sunset. Wanda loved the sunset, she said it was calming and romantic. The next picture was a cat meme, I let out a breathy laugh and I scroll up. It's a picture of her and Gwen, they had their backs against each other. Gwen was doing the Scarlet Witch hand thing. And Wanda had a strand of Gwen's hair under her nose to look like a mustache.

Pictures upon pictures. It feels like they never stop. My heart aches, god everything hurts. Whenever I think about the fact that she's gone. For good. I can't do it. I can't take it. I clutch the phone to my chest and cry. The tears never stop. I miss her, so fucking much.


Today's the day, it's Wanda's funeral. I showered and got out of bed, so that's a start. I look in the mirror and I look exhausted. I am exhausted. I have dark circles under my eyes and my eyes are red. I have barely sleep since she...I mean I've been in my bed the whole time. But every time I try to sleep I just see her, and the fact that she's not here anymore. I'm in an all black suit, black shoes also.

I walk out of my room and that's when I see something shiny on my desk. My ring. When I gave Wanda the promise ring she decided she needed to get me a matching one. I wore it all the time except for when I was Spiderman. Wait...her ring. Where is her ring? I'm sure it's not on her. She was the Witch and couldn't remember me. I'll look for it later. I slide my ring on then leave my room and walk downstairs to May. Who is also wearing black. Once we get to where the funeral is being held I see a group of people. Most of the people had barely known Wanda. She didn't talk to a lot of people. Gwen and Harry are standing towards the front, in black like everyone else. Gwen is holding Harry's arm and her head is leaning against his shoulder. I walk to them and Harry looks at me. " Hey man, I'm so sorry," He sighs, even though he has tears on his cheeks as well. He hugs me and I kind of just stand there. I'm just staring at the casket in front us.

The funeral starts and I pretty much tune it out. I don't mean to, but I'm afraid that if I don't I'll break down. I want to scream, I want to yell at everyone here. Everyone stands up so I do as well. They start walking by Wanda's casket, which is open. When I finally walk up there my heart stops. Her eyes are closed. She no longer has on the dark makeup she had that day. She's in a white dress. No, god no. I just stand there. Looking. I can't look away. " Peter, come on honey," May whispers to me. She tries to move me but I don't budge. Tears stream down my face and my lip quivers. "," I sob.

I clutch the ring on my finger and bring my hands to my heart. " Baby I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry I couldn't save you. I'm so fucking sorry," I cry. " Come on Pete, let's go," Harry says. He pulls me away and I try to stop myself from crying.

I don't want to do this anymore. Without her, I don't know if I can do anything. Everything feels so dark, dull, lifeless. I know she would want me to live, to survive, to go on with my life. And the one thing I can promise her is that I will live for now. But I'm not sure if I can move on. No, I definitely can't move on.

I look back and see Gwen crying at Wanda's casket as well. She looks at me and Harry and rushes over to us. Harry pulls us both into a hug and I try to hold back my tears. But it's not working.


I am just standing here, staring at the grave stone. ' Wanda Maximoff. Girlfriend and friend to many'. She deserves so much more than just that. Gwen, Harry, and I are the only ones left here. May is waiting for me in the car. I don't want to leave. " I can't believe she's really gone," Harry whispers. After a few more minutes Gwen and Harry leave. But I just stand there, keeping my eyes stuck on the grave.

I hear footsteps walk over to me but I don't look up. I already know who it is. I feel a hand on my shoulder and Aunt May's voice. " Come on honey, it's time to go home," She says softly. She speaks as if she's afraid I'll break if she talks any louder. I silently follow her to the car and we go back to the house.

3rd Person

Somewhere in Reading, Pennsylvania. There is a large compound in the middle of no where, surrounded by nothing but a few trees here and there. A young girl is laying on a cott, unconscious in a cell. The cell door opens and a voice is heard talking loudly. " Wake up girl! The Baron told me to give you some food," a man yells. The girl slightly opens her eyes and her vision is blurry. She looks around and everything goes into focus. The brunette sits up and turns to the man. " W-What? How-How am I..," She starts to say before a man walks into the room.

" Good morning, Maximoff...welcome back."

A/N Don't worry, this isn't the end! The next and last book of this series is in the works right now, the first chapter will be posted in about a week!

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