Chapter 16

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Peter Parker

" Peter, wake up baby," I hear a soft voice speak. I open my eyes and see my beautiful girlfriend sitting up. The sheet is wrapped around her chest but I can still see her shoulders and anything above that. She has a big smile on her face, and the sun is shining through the curtains of the window. Landing just right on her. She looks like a goddess. " Good morning sleepy head," She giggles.

I smile at her and she leans down. She kisses me
softly and then pulls away. " That is how I want to wake up every day from now on," I whisper. " Oh Peter, I wish we could," Wanda sighs while caressing my cheek. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, " What do you mean? Why can't we?" Wanda smiles and pulls her hand away. " Because silly, I'm not really here. You know that," She chuckles.

My heart stops and I sit up. Wanda turns to the door and suddenly looks scared. I look where she is looking and someone is standing there. Wanda?'s the HYDRA Assassin. She's wearing the black leather suit, with the dark red HYDRA symbol. Her hair is in a high ponytail and she has the dark makeup on. I move in front of my Wanda to protect her. But then she disappears, I look around the room but my Wanda is just...gone. " Spiderman," The Scarlet Witch says. She brings her powers into her hands but then her face changes. She looks...sad now, shocked, scared. " P-Peter," She gasps with tears clouding her vision.

She remembers me! Suddenly a large knife appears through her stomach. She yelps in pain and falls to her knees. Blood starts pouring from her stomach and Strucker is standing behind her with a bloody knife. " No! Wanda," I cry out.

I shoot up in bed and gasp for air. It was a nightmare. I need to get her back, I need her. It's 5 AM. I can't go back to sleep though, I need to find her. I'll make her remember me.

Wanda Maximoff

I have just gotten done training all night. I don't really sleep here, Strucker does not want me to. So I don't. I trained all night last night, and the night before, and the night before that. Today is the day I will kill Spiderman. I walk through the halls in my leather suit. " Assassin," I hear someone say. I turn around and see the Doctor walking over to me. " Jste připraveni na svůj dnešní úkol ( Are you prepared for your task today?)," He asks. I nod, " Ano, zabiju ho ( Yes, I will kill him)." He smirks and nods, " Good."

Peter Parker

I am sitting on the roof of the Chrysler Building in my Spiderman suit. I'm scrolling through the pictures on my phone of Wanda and I. I've been here for hours, waiting for the 'HYDRA Assassin' to appear somewhere. It's around 2:30 in the afternoon now. I should probably be thinking about what I should do. But I don't know. I know I need to make her remember me, and I need to stop her from hurting anyone else.

Suddenly I hear screaming from down the street. I immediately jump off of the roof and swing towards the screaming. It is coming from time square again. Wanda is there, she's using her magic to lift 3 people into the air. They're screaming and crying as her eyes glow red. I land in front of her and she looks at me. The red fades from her eyes and she glares at me. " Spiderman," She says with hatred in her voice. " Assassin...let them go. You don't want them, you want me," I say sternly. She tilts her head and her magic disappears from the three people. But she just lets them fall, I shoot a web at one guy and pull him to me. Then I catch the other two.

" Go! Run," I tell them. They all three run away and I look back at Wanda. " You want to kill me Assassin? Kill me. I'm not going to kill you," I say. She shoots a beam of her magic at me and I use a car hood to block it. I shoot a web at a mail box and fling it over to her. It hits her but then she shoots a ball of magic at it and it explodes. She runs over to me and kicks my feet from under me, I do a backflip and land in a pose. She kicks me in the face and I fall over. She keeps throwing magic at me and I don't dodge it. Holy shit this hurts. I get the energy to stand up and I tackle her to the ground. I punch her a few times and I see her lip and nose bleeding.

Fuck...I can't do this. She explodes her powers and it makes me fly back to the ground. The ground breaks under me and I groan. Wanda stands up and walks over to me. She starts throwing more balls of magic at me, she stops and starts punching me. I kick her back and apparently my kick was stronger than I intended because she falls back. She lands in a pose like I did. I sit up, I'm on my knees now. I feel rain drops fall on my clothed face, after a few seconds the rain starts pouring down. Wanda walks over to me with a glare.

She makes a large magic force field kind of thing surround us. It's so no one can see us I think. " I want to kill you in private," She spits out. She snatches my mask off and I breathe heavily. I look at her with acceptance, she's going to kill me. But suddenly she stops moving.

There's emotions in her eyes. Holy shit. She puts her hand out like she is going to shoot me with her powers. But nothing comes out of her hand. She breathes heavily as well and shakes her head. " No...I have to kill Spiderman," She whispers. " you remember me," I ask softly. She squeezes her eyes shut and looks away. " Shut up, shut up! I'm- I'm here to...My mission is," She groans. She looks into my eyes and I see tears form in hers.

" P-Peter," She mutters. I feel tears appear in my eyes and her lip quivers.

Wanda Maximoff

I feel all of my emotions come back to me. All of the memories, all of the pain. Oh my god...what have I done? Peter, Peter Parker. My boyfriend. Spiderman. Oh god...he's on his knees looking up at me. His mask is off and on the ground. He has blood coming from his nose, and his mouth. He has many dark bruises on his face, he has a black eye, and a small gash on his eyebrow. My lip quivers and I move my hands to my stomach. I...I killed people. Oh god, I killed so many people. I almost killed Peter.

Peter slowly stands up and he grunts a little. I step back and tears stream down my cheeks. I can feel the rain pouring down on us, even though the magic barrier is stopping anyone from seeing or touching us. " You'," Peter asks hesitantly. I nod and look at him worryingly. " Oh my god...what did I do to you," I sob. Peter has tears streaming down his cheeks also. He gently cups my face and shakes his head. " It's okay, it's okay, it's okay," He repeats.

" I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry. I-I killed people," I cry. He pulls me into his arms and strokes my hair.

A/N Sorry this chapter took so long to post, I got my phone taken! :/

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