Chapter 13

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Wanda Maximoff

I am sleeping on my cot in my cell when I hear the cell door open. My eyes shoot open and I see Strucker there with a few other guards. " Wake up Maximoff, it's time for your procedure," Strucker speaks. I sit up and shake my head frantically. " No! No," I shout. The guards rush over and grab me. They start dragging me and I start screaming and crying. " Stop please! I don't want to! My boyfriend is going to find me! He's- he's going to kill you," I scream. " He won't find you in time Maximoff girl, it's too late for you," He smirks.

I continue screaming as they bring me into a room. They shove me into a chair and they cuff my hands and feet to it with metal. I struggle and try to escape. " NO! STOP IT," I yell. They put a rubber thing into my mouth and they make me bite it. Next I know I feel cold metal against my temples. I feel electricity shock through my body. I scream in pain and bite down on the rubber. Tears stream down my
cheeks as the pain rushes through my body. Eventually it stops.

Everything feels empty...who am I? I look around and see a bunch of men looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows and next I know I feel cold against my head. I scream as pain explodes throughout my body. Mostly my head. Once it finally stops everything is dark. I feel...nothing. I open my eyes and I see a man with a leather coat and a monocle. "Čarodějnice (Witch)," The man asks. I feel the words come to my mouth before I need to think. " Připraven splnit ( ready to comply)," I respond.

" Unbuckle her," the man states. The other men do so and I sit up slowly. They leave afterwards and it is only the man with the monocle and the man with the lab coat left. " Víš kdo jsi holka ( Do you know who you are girl)," He asks me. I shake my head and he smirks. "Jsi zabiják HYDRA. Jste první voják HYDRA. Uděláš, co řeknu, ano? ( You are the HYDRA Assassin. You are HYDRA's first soldier. You do whatever I say, yes?)," The man states. It feels imprinted in my brain now. HYDRA owns me, I am their weapon. I will do whatever Baron Strucker asks of me. " Ano, cokoliv pane ( Yes, anything sir)," I say.

He nods and turns to look at the other man. He nods as well and they both smirk at me. They hand me a pile of clothes and I look at them. " Put these on, you will need them for your first mission," The doctor man tells me. I nod and the two men leave. I change into the leather black jumpsuit. It's all black except for the dark red symbol on the left side of my chest.

" Alright girl, we have your first mission," Strucker says as he enters the room.

Peter Parker

I didn't sleep at all last night, I couldn't. I was out all night in my Spiderman suit. Swinging around everywhere. In Queens, around Queens, outside of Queens. I can't find anything that could even work as a HYDRA base. They must have taken her farther than I thought. I'm back at the house now. May took off of work today so she could take care of me and help me. " Peter honey, you have to eat. You haven't eaten since Wanda was taken," She tells me. " I don't have time to eat Aunt May. Wanda is out there somewhere, probably hurt by those mother- by those men," I sigh.

" I understand, but you need to eat to restore your energy a little bit. You didn't sleep at all last night either. So just take a break and eat," She suggests. I run my fingers through my hair and nod. " Okay fine," I agree, she hands me the plate and I immediately start eating. I eat quickly, then once I'm done I go back to researching. Suddenly my phone starts ringing. It's Gwen! Maybe she found something!

I answer it and immediately I ask, " Gwen? Did you find her?!" " Not exactly. Peter you need to look tat the news. Like right now," Gwen says. I furrow my eyebrows and turn on the TV in the living room. The news is on and a video is playing.

There's a woman in an all black leather suit with the HYDRA symbol on the front of it. She is killing this group of people. Like actually killing them. She's using red powers to shoot them and make sharp objects stab them. Wanda? What the hell?! Her hair is in a high ponytail and she has blood splattered on her face.

Once all of the people are dead Wanda turns to the camera that is pointed at her. She tilts her head and uses her powers to smash it. The video turns off and the news lady starts talking. I'm still in shock though, that's my girlfriend. That's my Wanda, the girl that would never hurt anyone unless she was forced to. The girl who has always been scared to hurt anyone. And now she's killing people, with no remorse.

That's when it hits me. They got to her. They did it. Strucker, HYDRA, they brainwashed her. I'm too late, she's gone, she can't do anything about it anymore. " Fuck," I scream, I stand up and run my fingers through my hair. " FUCK! NO," I shout as I pace around the room. " Peter, honey. What happened," May asks frantically. I look at her and motion to the TV. " They got her Aunt May. First I promised her she wouldn't have to go back there, that I would protect her. Then they took her. But then, I promised I would get her out before they could brainwash her. And I couldn't even do that! I'm a terrible boyfriend," I shout.

May walks over and hugs me. " You aren't a terrible boyfriend Peter. You tried, so hard. She's not gone yet. You can still get her back," she tells me. " She's not my Wanda anymore. They made her into a killer. Something she never wanted to be. If I did get her back...I don't know if I could get her back," I sigh. " Don't give up hope Peter, there's always a way. She can't be gone forever," She assures me.

Aunt May's right. I need to find her. Bring her back to me. Bring her back to herself.

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