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The time was 7:00 PM Squid Squad's big concert was about to begin. 100s of Inklings and jellyfish filled a concert hall excitedly waiting to see there favorite band.

Backstage The band was getting ready for the show to start. Ichiya peeked from behind the curtain, looking at all of the screaming fans waiting for them.

Ichiya: Ok guys, this is it! If this concert is successful we will get to tour the world! So remember NO fooling around.

Ikkan was staring down at his bass, thinking.

Murasaki: Ikkan, are you sure you're ok?
Ikkan: Y-yeah it's fine...
Namida: Are you sure, you seem more quiet than you usually are.
Ikkan:........ Actually there's something I want to talk to you guys abo-

Suddenly Ikkan was interrupted by a Jellyfish walking through the door.

Jellyfish: Squid Squad, you guys are on!

Ichiya: Come on guy's let's go!

The concert has begun. They began With "Sea Skape" Murasaki bangs on his drums, Namida, played her keyboard, Ikkan Strummed his bass, and Ichiya sang out with all he had. The crowd was going wild. Soon the song Metalopod came up and Ikkan sang... well more like screamed, the lyrics loud. As he did he looked down at the crowd and he noticed a strange inkling up in front, cheering louder than the rest, he was wearing a hoodie that covered his tentacles, and all of his attention seemed to be on Ikkan? The concert ended and they finished with Now or never. The crowd cheered.

Ichiya: Thank you! thank you everyone! We are looking forward to our world tour together as a team!
In Ikkans mind: I can't do this anymore.

Suddenly Ikkan stepped in front of Ichiya and grabbed the mic.

Ikkan: Actually... there is something I have to say... and it's not the best news.
Ichiya: Ikkan What are you doing?
Ikkan: I'm... Leaving the band.

The entire crowd gasped. The mysterious inkling looked the most confused. Ikkan's friends looked at him in shock.

Ikkan:......I'm sorry....

Ikkan walked away, and went into there dressing room.


In the dressing room:
Ichiya: Ikkan what do you mean you're leaving the band?!
Ichiya: Ikkan answer me!
Ikkan: Look..... please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not vary... comfortable here.
Ichiya: What does that mean?

Namida and Murasaki Were listening to them from behind the door.

Ikkan: Everyone here is WAY too much of a yes man. And You guys Are always so clingy of me, I want to go off on my own and make my own music.
Ichiya: Why are you talking about this now? Right when the band is about to go places?! How could you think about abandoning you're best friends now?!
Ikkan: I'm not abandoning you guys! I just think it's time for a change. I'm sure you will be fine without me.
Ikkan: Ichiya calm down!
Ichiya: Do you want us to fail when we are so close? I thought you were our friend!
Ikkan: Ichiya it's not like that!
Ichiya: You know what, it's fine LEAVE! See how well you do without us. 😡
Ikkan:.... Ichiya....
Ichiya: Just LEAVE Ikkan...

Ikkan felt horrible for making his best friend mad. He didn't want this to happen. Without another word, Ikkan Grabbed his bass and left the theater.

Murasaki: Did he really just leave us? 😥
Namida: what are we going to do? 😥
Ichiya: I guess we will have to find a new bassist...

Tears were leaking from Ichiya's eyes.

Ichiya: I just can't believe he did this... 🥺

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