Writers Bock

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The vary next day, Ikkan Was hard at work trying to write a new song. He spent all morning at a table scribbling down some lyrics. His trash can was overflowing with crumpled up paper.

Ikkan: Hmmmmmmm, no that's not it........ maybe?.......... No.....

This kept going on for a while until...

Ikkan: THATS IT! I have an idea!

Ikkan quickly started writing down his idea, concentrating, sweating, and after about an hour, he looked at his work. 📝

Ikkan: Ok let's see what I've got so far.... THE-

On The peace of paper: THE~ 📄

Ikkan:..... THATS ALL I WROTE?!

Meanwhile in Warabi's room, he was on his Octo-phone video chatting with his parents.

Warabi: Isn't it cool? Metalopod guy is living in the room right next to me!
Warabi's Mom: Who's that again?
Warabi: The bassist from Squid Squad.
Warabi's Dad: Ohhhh THAT Metalopod guy. The one you have CRUSH on? 😏
Warabi: (blushes) Yeah..... that one.
Warabi's Mom: Didn't the band brake up?
Warabi: Yes I was there remember?

✨Flash back to a few mounts ago✨

Warabi's Mom: You want to go to an inkling band in Inkopils? 🤨
Warabi: Can I PLEASE? I promise I'll be careful. I'll even where a hoodie to hide my tentacles. No one will know I'm an octoling.
Warabi's Mom:.... Well ok... but PLEASE promise us you will stay safe and be back by nine.
Warabi's Dad: And remember that inklings can be dangerous people!
Warabi: I will! Thanks guys. (Hugs his parents)

Warabi put on his disguise and went to the concert, he got to sneak up front to get the best view. He admired ALL the band members, but his favorite was Metalopod guy, AKA Ikkan. There was something about his voice, and his handsome charm, that made Warabi Fall head over heels for him. Warabi cheered the loudest out of the audience.

Ikkan: I'm......Leaving The band.....
The audience: GASPS!
Warabi: WHAT? It can't be!

✨End of flashback✨

Warabi: I remember how worried you guys where of me when I told you I was going to the surface, but Look at me now! I've become so popular in the music industry and I'm living in Inkoplis, along with the inklings! :D
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: And snowball of course.
Warabi's Mom: Well I hope you're having a good time there sweetie. We miss you vary much!
Warabi: I miss you guys too, love you.
Warabi's Dad: We love you too sport. Bye!

Back in Ikkan's room...

Ikkan: You know what, I'm not going to get inspiration by just sitting here. Maybe I should go take a walk, Ichiya used to do that to get inspiration.

Ikkan went outside and walked trough the street's. Trying to think of something. Warabi's was in his room thinking about Ikkan.

Warabi's: You know what snowball? I should ask him if he wants to hang out.
Snowball: Squeak? 🐰
Warabi: Yes I know he said he wanted to be alone, but I want to get to know him better. Maybe even help him out with that new song!
Snowball! Squeak Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: I'm going to talk to him right now!

The Octoling then knocked on the Inkling's door but there was no answer? 🚪

Warabi: That's strange, He's not here? I should go find him. Oh! And maybe pick some flowers for him! I bet it would be a nice surprise! 😁

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