Diss-Pair (Ending)

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The next day...

Ichiya: (Calls Ikkan on his Squid-Phone) Hey Ikkan! How was you're date with Warabi?
Ichiya: Ikkan?
Ikkan: It went horrible, me and Warabi got into an argument...
Ichiya: What? What happened? 😥
Ikkan: We were having some disagreements on how we should write our next song, and well... Everything went bad. 😔
Ichiya: I'm so sorry to hear that Ikkan. Have you tried apologizing to him?
Ikkan: He won't talk to me, I've been texting him all day, but he just won't answer back.
Ichiya: Well, I hope everything will work out ok. Namida told me that he was really excited to go to the restaurant with you.
Ikkan: He was?
Ichiya: Yeah! Namida Said that he REALLY seems to like you, Ikkan.
Ikkan: Really?......... Oh, why did I have to go be a baby about his music style. I'm such a jerk. 😞
Ichiya: Well we're here for you Ikkan. Feel free to talk with us whenever you like.
Ikkan: Ok, bye... (Ends call)

Ikkan fell back on his bed mentally cursing to himself. He felt hopeless.

In Warabi's room...

Snowball: Squeak? 🐰:(
Warabi: I don't want to play right now Snowball, please just leave me alone. 😔
Snowball: Squeak Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: Just try and move on? I can't Snowball, you don't understand. I've had a crush on Ikkan since Squid Squad first came out. And Ikkan helped inspired me to create songs, he was my hero.
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: I know I'm going to have to see him again tomorrow, we need to get to work on our next song. But I don't know what to do.
Snowball: (Nuzzles Warabi) Squeak Squeak 🐰
Warabi: Awww thanks for trying to cheer me up Snowball. (Pets Snowball)

The next day at the studio, it was time for Ikkan and Warabi to work on their next song. How will it go?

Ikkan: (Walks into studio and sees Warabi) Warabi....... 🫤
Warabi: Ikkan........ 🫤
Mr Jaw: Hey hey hey! Look who it is! My favorite duo! Are ya ready to get started on that new song? 😁
Warabi: 🙁
Ikkan: 😕
Mr Jaw: What's with the long faces? Eh, I'm not gonna ask. Just get to writing you two! 😁

Ikkan and Warabi then just awkwardly walked into the recording booth and sat down. Not making eye contact with each other. They both still felt horrible about what happened.

Ikkan: (Sees what Warabi is scribbling down 📝 ) Ummmm, what lyrics are you writing?
Warabi: There about............... Stuff.....
Ikkan: Do you even know what this song is going to be about?
Warabi: I don't know................
In Ikkan's mind: I think I might have an idea for a song but it's crazy.......

Ikkan then grabbed his own notepad and started writing an idea on what he thinks the song should be about......

Ikkan: Ummmmm, hey Warabi... what do you think of this? please don't hate it please don't hate it! 😖
Warabi: Huh? Is this a.... LOVE song??? 😥
Ikkan: 😳 NO ITS JUST A FRIEND SONG! (Blushes) yeah...... Just a Friend song. but if you don't like it that's fine!
Warabi: A friend song........... who is it about? Ichiya?
Ikkan: N-No it's about someone else..... someone I really care about....... (Still blushing)
Warabi: Well....... I guess we can try it..... I just didn't picture you wanting to write this kind of song. Don't you hate Uplifting and happy songs?
Ikkan: I guess I just want to experiment..... 👉👈😥
Warabi: Ummmmmm, ok?

The spent hours writing the music and lyrics for the "Friend" song. But as usual they aren't really agreeing with each other.

Ikkan: Ummm Warabi, no offense or anything, but I don't really like this one part.
Warabi: Why?
Ikkan: I just don't think it will work well... that's all.
Warabi: What do you mean? It's perfect. This is My song too you know!
Ikkan: I Came up with this idea. This song won't do well with this part, that's the truth! (Grabs pencil and starts erasing Warabi's part. ✏️)
Ikkan: I'm just getting rid of this ONE part. It's not a big deal.
Warabi: Hey that's MY part you're talking about! 😠
Ikkan: I just don't think it will work with the rest of the song. I mean NO offense!
Warabi: Are you kidding me? THIS again! 🤦
Ikkan: SEE? You're doing the bossy thing again!
Warabi: 😥.......................................
Ikkan: *Gasp* I'M SORRY! I TAKE IT BACK! ✋😥🤚
Warabi: ):< (Starts Scribbling angrily)
Ikkan: Warabi? WARABI STOP! Why are you scribbling on my lyrics?! 😨
Warabi: If you're gonna be like that, Then I'm getting rid of YOU'R part! 😡
Ikkan: Warabi I'm sorry! I should have asked you if I could change it first! I'm sorry!
Warabi: You keep saying sorry, but then you just DO IT AGAIN!
Ikkan: I Really Am Sorry! Look I can't think straight when I'm around you ok?!
Warabi: It's because you think I SUCK at writing songs! I KNOW! 😡
Ikkan: I never Said that Warabi! You're a GREAT songwriter. I've learned to take criticism. But now YOU'RE the one being over controlling! 😡
Warabi: You know what? I was right! We shouldn't be a team if we can't get along! I was going to give you a second chance today, but NO! (tears start running down his face) YOU were my hero once Ikkan! YOU Inspired me!
Ikkan: I Already said I'm sorry! What else do you want me to say?!
Warabi: Tell me Ikkan, WHY can't you think straight around me? WHY do you act so bipolar when you're with me?! 😡

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