The Sleepover

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Warabi was in his room getting ready to have a sleepover with Ikkan. (Warning! ⚠️ A LOT of cheesy fluff coming up!)

Warabi: This is it Snowball! We're going to have a sleepover with Metalopod guy! I mean Ikkan! I wonder witch pajamas I should wear?
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: Oh! I know, what about this?

Warabi put on a onesie that looked like an adorable blue shark. The hood looks like a sharks head. 🦈

Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: What do you mean it looks childish? D:<
Snowball: Squeak Squeak 🐰
Warabi: Well I think it looks good! I wonder if I should try to flirt with Ikkan. Tell him that I think he's handsome?
Snowball: Squeak? 🐰
Warabi: I should ask him what his sexuality is before I flirt with him? Good point. I just hope I won't make it awkward. I really like him snowball. (Blushes) 😊

Warabi looks at his clock. It's 7:57 PM ⏰

Warabi: Oh look at the time! Let's go Snowball! (Picks up the sea bunny)
Snowball; Squeak 🐰

In Ikkan's room...

Ikkan: ok, we've got everything we need, snacks, board games, a few movies to pick from. What am I missing?
(Ikkan looks in his mirror🪞)
Ikkan: Oh carp! I forgot to get dressed! (Hears a knock at the Door 🚪)
Ikkan: coming! (Opens the door to see Warabi wearing an adorable shark onesie, and holding snowball in his arms)
Warabi: Hey Ikky I'm here! :D
Ikkan: 😳!
Warabi: are you ready for our sleepover?
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
(In Ikkan's mind) he looks so adorable in that onesie! Arg! Stop thinking like that! 😖
Ikkan: umm Y-yeah! Just give me a second to get dressed. And please don't touch anything.

Ikkan went into his bathroom to get dressed. As he did, Warab sat down on his couch looked at the bowls of popcorn and pretzels, 🍿🥨 And the stack of board games on the table in front of him.

Warabi: I thought he didn't want to get too carried away? (Start's munching on popcorn)
Snowball: (gets comfortable on the couch) squeak! 🐰

Ikkan stepped out of the bathroom in his dark gray sweat pants and black nightshirt. He looked vary handsome.

Ikkan: Ok I'm ready. Sorry about that.
Warabi: Oh that's Fi- (notices Ikkan in his nightshirt) 😳!
Ikkan: Are you ok?
Warabi: Yup Never better! 😳 let's pick out a movie! 😅

Ikkan turned on the TV and looked for something to watch on Squidflix

Warabi: Oh! What about that one?
Ikkan: Fish in the sea? B-but Isn't that a R-romantic movie?!
Warabi: Oh, Yeah! Right... 😳 H-how about you pick instead?
Ikkan: Oh... what about this one?
Warabi: Super-Squid? Yeah that's sounds good! 😁 what do you think Snowball?
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Warabi: You want to watch a nature documentary on sea bunnies?
Snowball: Squeak! 🐰
Ikkan: Definitely not! 😒
Warabi: Sorry snowball maybe next time ok?
Snowball: Squeak! >:( 🐰

Ikkan played the movie, "Super-Squid" it was an average super hero movie, where the main character saves the world from a super villain. The special effects were pretty lame, and the action scenes were bland. But Ikkan and Warabi still enjoyed it, even Snowball liked it...... until a scene between Super-Squid and his love interest came on!

Squid Lady: Oh Super-Squid! Thank you for saving me! You're my hero! 🥰
Super-Squid: Oh it was nothing! I'd do anything to protect this city... and YOU. 😁❤️
Squid Lady: Can I thank you with a kiss?
Super Squid: Of course my love. (Gives Squid lady a loving kiss... witch turns into a heavy make out scene)
In Warabi's mind: I don't remember this part of the movie! 😳

Ikkan just stayed silent. And Snowball fell asleep on his lap. Soon The movie ended, and Warabi put snowball in his little rabbit bed. In the corner of the room. He then covered him up with a warm blanket too.

Snowball: Zzzzzz 🐰
Ikkan: So, want to play a quick board game before bed?
Warabi: Sure.

Warabi and Ikkan played monopoly. It was pretty boring until Warabi asked Ikkan something.

Warabi: Sooooooo, Ikkan. Since we are partners now, can I ask you something personal?
Ikkan: like what?
Warabi: W-what kind of people are you attracted too?
Ikkan: What? What do you mean?
Warabi: I mean... are you attracted to women? Or...
Ikkan: I'm bisexual. Why did you want to know?
In Warabi's mind: good! that means I might have a chance!
Warabi: Oh That's Cool, I'm Gay... The reason I asked you is because....... I just figured we should get to know each other a bit better... that's all. (Hide's his face and blushes) 😖
Ikkan: Yeah, I guess it's 9:30 we should get to bed.

Warabi grabbed his sleeping bag and put it next to Ikkans bed. They got comfortable and Ikkan turned the lights off.

Ikkan: Good Night.
Warabi: Good night!

Warabi couldn't get to sleep. He just kept looking up at Ikkan. It also didn't help that Ikkan snored like a freight-train! Warabi shivered.

In Warabi's mind: Brrrrrr it's cold down here! 🥶 (looks at Ikkan) Ikkan's bed sure looks warm! I wonder if I could?....

Warabi carefully got up and looked down at the sleeping inkling. He looked so peaceful, it was weird seeing his face so relaxed. Warabi then got a risky idea.

In Warabi's mind: should I? No, he will probably kill me if I do!... but I can't resist! :D

The octoling then carefully got underneath the bed covers and snuggled up next to Ikkan.

Warabi: (whisper's) Good night Metalopod guy!

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