What Now?

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A few months have passed since Ikkan left Squid Squad, and things aren't really going well. Ikkan moved into an apartment in Inkoplis square, and tried to look for someone to publish his own songs. Right now Ikkan was in an office showing a shark, music producer his new song.

Ikkan: So how was the song?
Mr Jaw: Hmmmmm, listen Ikkan I need to be honest with ya............... it's terrible.
Ikkan: What? What's wrong with it?
Mr: Jaw: What's Wrong with it? It's literally just you screaming nonsense along to some bass! it's giving me a headache!
Ikkan: It's not nonsense you can clearly hear the lyrics. >:(
Mr Jaw: Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't understand you metal heads. I don't know why you bothered leaving you're own band, you were........ just ok with more people. maybe you can find yourself a partner or something, it might help you're song sound slightly less like garbage.
Ikkan: The reason why I left my bad was because I was tired of being with other band mates. They were all WAY too nice!
Mr. Jaw: Well then I can't help ya, now get out of my office!

Ikkan left feeling defeated. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't just go back to his band now, not after what he did. So he just went back into his apartment and plopped onto his bed. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking to himself.

In Ikkan's Mind: What am I going to do? I can't even write a decent song without Ichiya.

Suddenly he heard a strange sound coming from his window. He sprung up and looked at the window.

Ikkan: Who's there?!

Suddenly a sea bunny poked its head up at the window?

Ikkan: WHAT THE?!

The Sea bunny squeaked and hopped into his room running around and knocking things down!

Ikkan: Ahhh!

Suddenly a red haired octoling started climbing through his window.

???: Snowball There you are! (Falls into apartment) ooof!
???: Don't worry I got it! 😁

The octoling chased the bunny around Ikkan's room trying to catch it. The bunny climbed up a bookshelf and the octoling climbed up after it.

???: I got it I got it!

The bookshelf then fell over crushing the octoling.

Ikkan: ??? 😦
???: (lifts bookshelf off himself) Hahaha That was AWESOME! 😆
Ikkan: Who are you? What are you doing in my room?!
???: What are you talking about this is my........................ This is not my room. 😐
???: I don't have time to explain, help me catch that sea bunny!
Ikkan: But wh-
???: Turn into squid form for a second.
Ikkan: (turns into a squid) Ok but why?

The octoling then grabbed Ikkan and threw him under the bed with the angry sea bunny.

???: Be careful he's a biter!

The bunny ran out from under the bed carrying Ikkan in its mouth.

Ikkan: AHHHH! 😱
???: I GOT YA!

The octoling grabbed the bunny and pulled Ikkan out of its mouth. Ikkan changed back into inkling form feeling sore and dizzy.

???: Thanks for helping me! My mom wanted me to bring my pet sea bunny with me so I wouldn't get lonely.
Ikkan: Who The Shell are you?
???: What? you don't know who I am?
Ikkan: Ummm No.
???: The names Warabi! d.j. and music programmer. I got popular from remixing songs. I've visited multiple different countries. I'm surprised you've never heard of me.
Ikkan: I've never heard of you... hey, wait, are you an octoling???
Warabi: Yeah, I know I know! Its a bit shocking, but I promise I'm harmless!

Warabi then recognized who this inkling was. He's from Squid Squad, His favorite band!

Ikkan: Metalopod guy?
Warabi: I'm you're biggest fan! I've even remixed some of you're songs! It's an honor to meet you! Why did you leave the band? What are you doing here? Can I have you're autograph?!?! :D
Ikkan: WOAH, SLOW DOWN! Jees.... First of all I don't really want to talk about my old band, second I've been trying to find someone to give me a gig, but I can't seem to write any successful songs. Third, no I won't give you an autograph. And forth, my name is Ikkan not Metalopod guy.
Warabi: Hey, maybe I can help you! I've got some tracks you can use!
Ikkan: No thanks, I want to do this by myself. But they why, can you please take your sea bunny and get out of my room!
Snowball: squeak! 🐰
Warabi: Awww do I have to!
Ikkan: Yes, it's weird. And I have to get to work writing a new song.
Warabi: Ok fine, I'll go. :(

Warabi and his bunny then left the room. Warabi went back to his own apartment room and sunk down on his knees with a dreamy sigh.

Warabi: Ahhhhh, I can't believe I got to meet Metalopod guy! He's even more handsome up close! 🥰
Snowball: squeak? 🐰
Warabi: I can't wait to tell my parents about this!

Writers note: yes I know, this isn't how, or where they met according to the lore, but I wanted to try and make my own version.
P.s. yes I copied the pig scene from monsters university 😂

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