Is This A Date?

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It was 7:25 PM Ikkan Was sitting on the floor, strumming his bass. when he saw a note slid under his door.

Ikkan:??? (Pick's up note and reads it)
The note: Dear Metalopod guy. Meet me at Shelly's diner at 9:00 AM Tomorrow for breakfast. xoxo Warabi ;)
Ikkan: No, why would I want to eat with him? (Looks at the back of the note)
The Note: p.s. I'll pay for everything.
Ikkan: Uggggh, fine. I just hope no one gets the wrong idea.

Ikkan went to Shelly's diner and noticed Warabi waiting for him at the door.

Ikkan: Shhhh! Don't call me that remember?!
Warabi: Oh! right! Sorry. 😅 Come on Ikkan let's get a table.

As they went in a yellow haired inkling showed them to there table and brought them drinks. Ikkan hid his face with the menu feeling a bit awkward.
In Ikkan's mind: I'm having Breakfast with a GUY, and there's so many people around! Wait, why am I nervous? This isn't a date or anything.
Warabi: So........ I'm sorry about making you upset earlier, I don't know what I did to get you angry.
Ikkan: It's fine. To be honest I just haven't been feeling like myself lately.
Warabi: Did something happen with your old band?
Ikkan:... *sigh* I don't know... I guess I just wanted to try going off on my own... try something new... but I ended up making my best friends mad at me, and practically ruined there career's... that's all.
Warabi: I'm so sorry that happened! I'm sure you didn't mean to make them mad. but why did you leave?
Ikkan: Because everyone always agreed with EVERYTHING I wanted to do, they didn't really like heavy metal like me, but they let me do it anyway. And I guess I just got a bit sick of it... I don't know, it's hard to explain!
Warabi: Then how come when I tried giving you advice you wouldn't take it?
Ikkan: I don't know, I guess I'm just used to everyone letting me do what I want...

(Waitress steppes in)

Waitress: Are you two ready to order?
Ikkan: What? Oh yeah. I'll have pancakes. 🥞
Warabi: And I'll have pancakes too!
Waitress: Ok, well get that ready for you.

(Waitress leaves)

Warabi: You know Ikkan, I used to LOVE the piano. My mom even sent me to a fancy music school.
Ikkan: Yes, I remember you telling me earlier.
Warabi: But when I became a teen I got into techno music and started remixing popular songs. I became a popular D.J. From trying something new. Maybe you should too!
Ikkan: I still don't know if I want to... I'm just sticking to what I like.
Warabi: But you seem to be really struggling! And I'm going to help you anyway I can! Even if you might not agree with me!
Ikkan: Why do you want to help me so bad anyway?!
Warabi (blushes 😳) Ummm... I don't know, I'm just a really big fan and...
In Warabi's mind: Cod why does he have to be so Coddarn hot?! 😖
Warabi: I don't know! But you have to learn to take some criticism in order to make a new song!
Ikkan:... Fine I'll take some advice! But I won't like it!
Warabi: YAY! :D
Waitress: Here's you're food.
Warabi: Oh thanks.

After breakfast, they went for a walk in the park and Warabi and Ikkan sat on a bench telling each other stories. Ikkan, told Warabi stories about how Murasaki used to get his head spikes stuck to his pillow every morning at practice, and the time Namida tried to bake him a chocolate cake for his birthday, but ended up setting the cake on fire, and how Ichiya and him were childhood friends. Warabi told Ikkan stories about how his parents were famous actors in the octoling city. And how they helped him during his piano residual when he got stage fright. And how his dad used to take him camping at there families private cabin. And when his mom gave him snowball for his birthday a few years ago.

Ikkan: Wow! you have pretty great parents.
Warabi: And it sounds like your band mates where great friends!
Ikkan: Yeah........ They were pretty good friends............

Ikkan was staring at Warabi.

In Ikkan's mind: He's annoying... but actually kind of cute... WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING? stupid Bisexual thought's!
In Warabi's mind: At first I thought he was just a stubborn grump, but he's actually a big softy! That's so attractive. Oh what am I thinking? He probably doesn't even like guy's.

Ikkan and Warabi then noticed that they were holding hands. 🤝

Ikkan and Warabi: 😳😳
Ikkan: (clears throat) W-we should get back to you're place an get to work on that song again.
Warabi: Oh, yeah! 😅

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