Chapter 1

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"Guilty!" the hard final sound of the justice hammer came crashing down on me. I knew this would happen sooner or later, just never thought it would happen the way it did, another one gone, one of us again. I'm not even going to fight it, what i did way back was the wrong thing and nothing I ever did could ever fix or erase that night, nothing. So now, time has caught up with me, and her, but luckily she is in a better place, the world won't ever get to hurt her for what we have done, I will accept all of it on my behalf, like always. They both will finally have their true justice.

I'm Sam St Claire and man do I have a story for you,

3 Months ago...

"You have such a talent Sam and may I also add that this company is very lucky to have you." a few last words are written in her book as she smiles at Mr. Brooks.

"I'll take it." her hand reaches out to shake mine and after his, in front of us, a piece I've been working on for almost 4 weeks, the shallow colors that erupts from just one portrait, if they only knew the sorrow and regret that inspired this masterpiece to sit here.

"I knew you would like it, Sam's work as always is very meaningful, one would like to only take glimpse of what happens in that astounding mind when she picks up the brush." the wink I receive only shows his satisfaction.                                                                                                       
"Sam!" a voice shrieks across the room, Maddison comes bouncing towards me,

"Oh sorry, is this like a, really bad time?" the moment her eyes are directed to Mr. Brooks she freezes, I mean hell, he could set you alight with only a stare, drip drip drip...

"No, we just wrapped up, Sam, as always." he sweeps his fingers across my hand and leads the woman to his office.

"What was that all about?" she hooks her arm into mine strunting back to my office,                 

"Just sold my 4th painting for the day, he's practically loaded with compliments today."                 

"Maybe towards you, but unlikely, he just fired the lady down at reception, something about coffee? But that's not why I came all this way to find you," we both take a seat on the cloud 9 couch in my office,

"Okay so why are you-" 
"You know how you always mutter on about your high school years and regret and all that very depressing crap, well there might just be an opportunity to console those feelings." she sifts and flips trough the mountain of envelopes on her lap,

"What do you mean? I don't mope about my past, it's just, it wasn't a memorable time for me and to be honest it was all my own doing anyway, so I don't need any -"                                               
"Ohh shush please, here it is, I remember you talking about a not so bad club that you've been apart of, you know The All Hollows,"                                                                                                                   
"Eve club, I remember yes, but what has that got to do with me?" the memories comes floating back playing over before my shallow eyes as the name pierces trough my ears.

"Here, I haven't opened it, I thought you should have the honors." she holds the envelope out for me, and the stretch from my fingertips to the noting felt like a lifelong time loop stuck on repeat.

Dear All Hollows Eve Club

You, Sam St Claire, have been invited to our Art Gallery's opening, where you have inspired me remarkably to display the most epic and iconic horror films from you list.10 Years ago you had your final goodbyes, mourning the end of and era and the label you carried around in high school, now in your honor I have established the perfect mirror to your past. Come and reunite with the oldies and enjoy the showcased horror, you might find a surprise while you explore too, meant just for you. The travel and hotel expenses are on us. Just join in on the horrific tour.

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