Chapter 8

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The rest of the night was dreadful, no one said more than two words after the whole Lilith talk. Mr. Lemmaro brought in the desert and we ate in silence, he on the other hand acted more suspicious than ever, when we walked trough the gallery he said that he did not know anything but tonight he told me more than enough about those pieces, he must know what it all means. After desert they came in he told us to get settled in our rooms, the curfew was locked. That's another off thing, why would there be a curfew? Trying to calm my mind I try to focus on some of the amazing pieces we saw, it was really something. The displays were very much extraordinary, the way they made it look so real and the backstory on each film, spot on.

"Sam." a voice whispers outside my room, the curfew has started so whoever this is will be in trouble I'm sure. I open the door and a lifeless Keegan stare at me, his eyes are bloodshot, his face also red.

"Keegan. What are you doing? They told us there is a curfew and who knows what will happen when you overstep the rules."

"I don't care, they can't do anything but kick me out. I deserve a lot worse, I deserve jail. Can I please come in?" His eyes water and his voice is worn. I hesitate at first but let him in anyway, "I wanted to tell you; I did tell you I need to talk to you before dinner. This doesn't justify the fact that I did do it but it's a start I want to give myself in, go to the police and tell them everything. I mean the display, what if that's really the woman I raped and she's dead, for real like Julia." the tears run down his face and his body falls to the floor. I have no clue of what to say or do, he deserves to go to jail but I just can't get myself to be distraught at him, at dinner I was in shock but now I just feel sorry for him.

"Why did you do these things?"

"I don't know, Tanner always got the girl, I just also wanted to be good for someone, but no one wanted me the way they did Tanner, so I took it. And I bragged about it. In the heat of the moment I convinced myself that they wanted it to. I'm so sorry." he wipes his eyes off. I stand up still not knowing what to do, I walk to the door and open it, I can't deal with this now. His eyes follow me,

"No please, I'll change just don't leave me, I can't go back in that room, they despise me. Please Sam." he crawls to my feet and begs, the tears raining down again. "Okay okay, just shhh." I close the door before anyone hears his cries.

He stands up towering me, his eyes scan my body, for a moment I feel weak, or paralyzed. I have no feelings for him but something just clicked in me, like a sense of knowing, wanting to know what those girls felt. I am fully engaged with his eyes moving over me, I can't seem to stop myself from leaning in, his hands cover my hips and he bends down to meet my lips. Once the kiss is in movement heat ran over my cheeks. Then I cave even more, I jump onto him extending the kiss further. Regardless of all the things I know he has done, it feels wrong, but I want it so bad. My mind starts spinning off to everything that happened today, seeing my sweet Alexis again, finding out everyone has sort of moved on, and then all these jaw dropping things that occurred whilst Julia was still alive.

He takes small steps towards the bed in my room, my hands are fixated on his hair messing it up with each kiss that only deepens. His strong grip on me holds everything in place, he grunts, so shockingly mesmerizing, it only makes me move faster, I want to feel everything he could possibly give. "Sam." He breathes, a warm sensation flickers in my stomach but disappears as soon as it came, I need more! I tug at his pants unknowingly giving him the permission he so desperately awaited, what a shock. Before I could tell him he takes the hint and goes ahead. Exceeding my expectations. I kept thinking that if only he wanted to connect with the rest that then they would have seen him for him, the real him, but he got greedy, wanted to make a point, after all he is far better at this than I expected. My stomach heats up whilst my legs get numb, it's here, just what I need now.

"Sam, I need you to tell me you want this." he softly speaks up. My heart pains for him, but it's a good start for recovery I guess,

"I do Keegan." I practically scream as I let go.

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