Chapter 12

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Keegan, Julia. Is this...

"Tanner what the hell are these? " Rose urged.  The picture in my hand shows the occurrence of Julia's rape.

 Tanner must have taken their photo, honestly!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry-" Tanner repeats himself softly. I step closer to the wall, once I realize that this was not a one time thing it felt like I was going to hurl, sickness overtook me like a shadow following me in the twilight. "All of these look like Keegan." Luna stated, and it's true, they do, they are, him in fact. I didn't even realize it was these many women, or girls for that matter, the wall is splattered with the filth that is the 'Hale Brothers'.

"Thats because they are." I replied with utter sorrow swelling up my throat, I can feel the tears hammering to play outside. "You sick twisted barbaric peddo!" Rose stepped up once again, I stand with the one picture I fear will break Alexis even more. I scatter to find the right thing to say or do, should I give it to her or tear it up, blame my actions on anger as I rip it, but I don't, I hold on, tightly.

"So you knew and you felt to take their damn picture instead of doing the right thing!" I boil, "I'm sorry." Tanner begged, I feel no remorse for any of them, Keegan can fly up his own ass too.

"Can we carry on please Mr. Lemmaro. I feel as though Mr. Hale won't be joining us." Alexis spits in Tanner's direction and tail after Mr. Lemmaro. Rose, Luna an I tag along.

"I think let's just take a small break, please join me in here and we will carry on in ten minutes if that's alright with the four of you?" Mr. Lemmaro stops at a door. We all nod and follow inside, the staff comes in giving us finger-sized food and orange juice.

"What is wrong with those two, it's like they have the same messed up mindset." Rose decide to enter the silence. "Well I guess. I mean we all have something that we're hiding." Alexis added,"Yeah I mean thank goodness mine is out." Luna hinted. Really? "Luna will you just shut up. None of us want your opinion or say or comment or anything, in my eyes you are just as twisted as them." Rose snaps at her and walks over to Mr. Lemmaro. "Wow, so do you guys feel that way too?" Luna question, I mean I don't resent her more than the boys but what she did might as well also be just as bad, no counting on her...

"Yes." Alexis spat and dragged herself away, great leave me with the puta.

"Sammy?" Luna started to sob, ugh really."Luna, stop. You are really in no position to cry, to get it out no I don't hate you and I don't want to see you get fed to the pigs outside but the thing is, well, uhg, you know what never mind we're fine." the stutter took me over.

"There are pigs outside?" Luna whispers.

"Okay my girlies, let's go, shall we?" Mr. Lemmaro claps his hand together. "Only if you never call us that again." Alexis advised him. "Mr. L, are there really pigs outside?" Luna walks alongside him.

The walk to the next piece is longer than the rest of them, they sat close to each other but this one is not close at all, the hall gets thinner at a point where I feel a bit of suffocation and then it opens up again, there it is, a bucket...wait, a bucket?

"Step right up, step right up, from a-far it appears as an odd piece, just a bucket. But why? Take a closer look." he glides away and we fall in line tripping around the piece, inside it appears to be blood,"No Luna, this is not real pigs blood." Mr. Lemmaro assures her, dimwit!"Carrie, the remake, director would be Kimberly Pierce. Can we guess the cast?" Mr. Lemmaro must be trying a new angle, I am surprised, he must be getting sick of the old one two, I mean the same thing over and over, it feels nice if they include their guests. "Is this the one with Cloe Mortez?" Luna guesses,"Cloe Grace Mortez." Rose corrects her, may I add in a rude manner."Yes, that's the one, following Julianne Moore, Ansel Elgort and Alex Russel. With a mother that is cruel by nature the teenage girl discovers more than a fair share of secrets about herself. It all turns horrifically when she is pranked at prom and unleashes hell on those who hoped harm on her. " Mr. Lemmaro doesn't leave, also a new addition to his change.

"This is the one that came out in 2013, right?" Rose asked,"Yep, I liked it, it was not quite what I expected with the powers and stuff but it was terrific." Alexis replied. Things are so different, I mean the group is not here, two of us turned out horribly wrong and one is in jail, and here we are trying to be as optimistic as possible. "Oh dear." I stand in shock, the staff people drag Tanner into the nearby room, he is passed out."Is he okay?" I ask,"Give me a moment please, I'll be with you shortly, remember no touchy!" Mr. Lemmaro follows them with a stiffened expression sitting on his face. The door closes so I can't tell what's going on, just a mummer here and there but nothing that makes actual sense.

"Serves him right." Rose interrupts my thoughts, "Rose!" Luna scolded."Shut it puta." she replies, oh I can already see that this is going to be a very long day...

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