Chapter 14

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The room is quite small, well smaller than the others, this place feels like a well decorated prison. I mean look at all the terrible stuff that's happening, secrets being exposed, and i pray to the man above that mine doesn't make an appearance. Around every corner my mind spins off and I can't help but think that this is all a set up. I mean come on even the damn host seems suspicious, or is that just me not wanting my secret to come out into the world. You'll think i'm crazy, well crazy involved. Some things are just best kept quiet, the things we hid in the dark, the shadows that come out every witching hour to remind us of those as we call ' white lies'. They do no harm, yeah well guess again. Look at Tanner and Keegan, they will never show their faces to us again, the things they did are so cruel an unspeakable that I still can't process everything. Luna seems to be doing okay, I mean yeah her secret was not so bad, well i mean it's common, not that much of a surprise really, you get that all the time, some say it's just part of society now a days. Rose, she's a different case, something is up, major...

"Enjoy." Mr. Lemmaro chants as the staff bring out the plates. "Do you guys regret coming here?" Luna suddenly asks,"No. It was bound to happen darling." Rose devour the food in front of her, no filter at all, I guess you go girl."Yes, I do. It was nice seeing you all but just the way it's ending was not needed. I would have lived an okay life not knowing what I know now." Alexis disagrees, she doesn't even seem bothered by any of this. Maybe I should giver her the picture, she has to feel something for it right? She couldn't be this cold hearted, especially if all this is circling around her dead sister.

 I pull out the picture from my ripped pocket, I stare at it once more debating my decision.

"Alexis, here. I found this one." I hand it over, she takes it with a compelling grip and stares for a good 5 minutes, then she just simply gives it back and continue eating her food. Is that all? "What is it?" Luna groaned, Alexis ignores her, not a single word, my blood is warming up, she really still doesn't give a shit about Julia. Nothing has changed. She didn't deserve her sister, and to be honest she doesn't even deserve me trying, screw this!

"It's Keegan, raping Julia, Tanner took the photo, here post it on your platform or something, make someone care, because she sure as hell doesn't." I gulp down the water, not feeling hungry anymore I stand up and step outside the room, Mr. Lemmaro stands in the hall talking to a lady,"Just clean it up, it can't look like that in there, what do you think will people say!" he whispers loudly, "Yes Sir. Lemmaro, what do I tell miss M?" the petite woman bows,"Nothing I will tell her it's taken care of-""What's taken care of?" I interrupt, the woman stares at me with shock and bows, she stays there until Mr. Lemmaro taps on her shoulder and instructs her to leave.

"There was an accident in the kitchen, Jake, one of our staff  members broke 10 wine bottles." He laughs it off,"But no worries, are you okay?" he changes the subject way too fast for my liking. I play along,"Yep. Just needed a little space." I lean onto the wall. Jake rushes in, doors slamming open, "I did it!" he beams, as soon as his eyes lay on me he freezes.

"Hi Jake, usually when someone breaks stuff they don't go all chipper." I snap,"She knows?" he looks at Mr. Lemmaro completely confused. "Yes, I told her about the wine bottles." Mr. Lemmaro emphasizes the last words. Yeah, and that toggles my suspicion even more, doesn't it? He stares at me even more bewildered but decides to just go off leaving the same way he came in.

"Shall we enter?" Mr. Lemmaro touches the back of my arm, guiding me inside where all the wrong things comes to vision. A calm and collective Alexis, no worries at all and the Rose, acting like a homeless person who have just seen food for the first time and Luna, quiet. "Look who I found." Mr. Lemmaro smiles and nods at me. "I was never lost, you on the other hand look a little uncomfortable." I snorted. He ignores my comment and proceeds to sit me down,"Okay ladies, finish up and we can start up the engine again." he smiles,"Will room number 3 still be ready for tomorrow?" Luna asked, oh yeah, he told us the room was still 'in construction'.

"All is going according to plan Mis Holloway, no doubt about it." he stands taller with his shoulders pushed out."I'll be waiting outside, please have a last ten minutes or so to finish and we can carry on." he steps out of the room leaving the drama inside.

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