Breakfast in bed

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Waking up was Cheryl's favourite time of day. Especially on the weekends when she had nothing more to do than roll over in bed and lose herself in the warmth of Toni's body, whilst kissing her girlfriend into wakefulness.

This morning something was different, though. Instead of petite limbs wrapping around her body in greeting, Cheryl found only cold sheets and a Toni-shaped dent in the pillow.

Instantly curious, and not a little put out by her lack of bed companion, the redhead flung back the duvet and got up.

Absently scratching her bare back, she scanned the floor for the pyjamas she had shed rather hurriedly the night before.

There was no sign. She settled, in the end, for tugging on Toni's dressing gown. It was a hideous, dark purple fleecy number that Cheryl had threatened to dispose of on several occasions. But it was soft and warm, and, more importantly right now, smelt like its owner.

Then an ominous clattering of pans sounded from the kitchen, and had Cheryl heading for the stairs, muttering about idiotic girlfriends as she went.

Toni didn't cook, couldn't cook. The last time she'd tried, Cheryl's very expensive kitchen had almost gone up in flames. If it hadn't been for the redheads quick thinking, well, that didn't bear thinking about.

With that thought in her mind, Cheryl strode to the kitchen door and pushed it open.

"TT, what the hell are you doing?"

The brunette spun around to face her girlfriend, eyes wide with surprise and no small amount of guilt.

"Making breakfast." It came out as more of a question than a statement.

Cheryl's gaze dropped to the frying pan in her girlfriend's hand.

She walked closer and poked sceptically at its contents. Then she looked back up at Toni's face and allowed her arched eyebrow to ask the question for her.

"Pancakes," the brunette replied softly. "I though...well, you said how much you liked them and that you used to always have them with Jason. I wanted to surprise you."

And just like that, Cheryl's irritation vanished. She could never stay annoyed with Toni for long. Not when she turned on those big puppy dog eyes, and especially not when she was standing in their kitchen, wearing the redhead's too-big pyjamas and trying to cook them breakfast.

Cheryl reached out and took the pan from Toni's hands. She tossed it on the nearby worktop, ignoring the chaos that it caused.

" needs to soak," Toni protested as Cheryl pulled her closer.

"I'll buy a new one," the redhead muttered, before kissing her way along Toni's jaw.

"O-okay." The brunette's voice raised a few notches as Cheryl's cold fingertips slid inside the waistband of her pyjamas.

Cheryl smirked against the skin of her throat. "Come on," she said in a alluring way, pulling away and taking hold of Toni's hand.

"Where to?"

"Back to bed."

"But, we haven't had breakfast yet," Toni objected.

Cheryl's grin turned lustful. "Exactly"

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