1 - Maybe she was right.

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"You did it, Liv!" Laurel beamed and tapped her giant margarita glass against mine with a little too much force, causing some to spill over the edge.

The liquid sparkled under the twinkle lights decorating the shelves of liquor behind the bar, and I laughed as I licked it off my hand. "Hey, easy. Don't waste the alcohol."

"Girl, I'll buy you all the tequila you want. You've earned it. I tried to sell that house for months, but I'm not even mad it only took you a week. It's off our desks, both families are happy, and it's a huge win for Picket Fence Realty. We're celebrating."

She waved her hand at the bartender, who'd been keeping his eye on her anyway, and he zipped over. "What can I get you, ladies?" He smiled at me, then went back to checking Laurel out.

I couldn't blame him. I'd thought she was pretty since the day I walked into my freshmen dorm room and met my future best friend, but as we got older and her confidence grew, she'd become stunning. With clothes that accentuated her curves but stayed classy, she was ready for business or picking up her next fling at all times, and she'd been working on this guy from the minute her butt hit the high-backed stool at his bar.

Twisting a braid around her finger, she fluttered her eyelashes. "Two more shots, please."

Before I could protest, he flashed perfect, white teeth. "Absolutely." Within seconds, a shot sat in front of each of us rimmed in salt the way we liked.

I gave Laurel a wide-eyed stare. "It's a Wednesday, and we've already had two shots each. I hope my boss doesn't expect me to be at work early tomorrow."

She threw her head back and laughed. "Hang on, I'll ask." Her lips pursed into a duck face. "Yep, I say with what you made today, you can take the morning off. There won't be much to do anyway, just wrapping things up."

"You're tough, but fair." I winked and clinked my tiny glass against hers.

Before I could take the shot, she stopped me with her fingertip on my arm. "There's something I have to tell you. I've decided I can't keep you as an employee anymore."

My mouth fell open, and she rushed to say, "I need you as my partner. I've been thinking about it for a while, and this sale clinched it. You work as hard as me, and you deserve half of everything."

Tears threatened, but she'd make fun of me if I actually cried. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I couldn't have gotten this far without you. Besides, you know I don't jump into anything before thinking it through."

I squinted at her, and Laurel chuckled. "For business, I think things through." She glanced at the bartender and made an approving sound. "Recreational activities are more fun with less planning."

"I'll have to take your word on that." I giggled.

"So, partners?" She nudged my side with her elbow and grinned.

"Partners." I nudged her back. "Thank you so much."

"No need to thank me. We're gonna work our asses off. Now that you're a partner, you can help me win the exclusive contract with Taylor Residential. They have neighborhoods planned all over town. If we get in with them, we'll be golden for years."

"That'd be unbelievable."

"We'll do it. We've got this. I've already sent emails, but I'm gonna be on that owner like white on rice right after Christmas."

"He won't know what hit him." I snickered. "It's sweet of you to give him the holiday first."

"I'm a caring person, Liv." She flipped her braids over her shoulder. "Besides, construction won't start until after the new year."

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