8 - Are you serious?

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Sunlight spilled in through the window, waking me. The room was almost too warm, and the lazy breeze from the ceiling fan didn't help. I started to stretch but froze when my pillow inhaled and I realized my bare leg was sprawled across Nate's. Thankfully, his pajamas included pants.

Opening my eyes, I saw the only thing separating my hand from the ridges of Nate's abs was a thin layer of light gray cotton. This was not how I'd fallen asleep.

Last night, Ruth Grace left a message on Granny's machine, saying they were having a few drinks and staying in town and they'd return in the afternoon. After visiting with Granny and my parents for a while, hearing about delivering the tins—of course, Granny had insisted on walking each one to the doors and exhausted herself—we all went our separate ways for the night.

It was a peaceful evening for me. Briar and Sawyer didn't make an appearance after lunch, and Mother found nothing new about me to criticize.

Then we'd gotten to our room with the full sized bed, and I studied the man that would take up more than half the space. How did he even fit on a bed? Did he have to lay angled corner to corner or did his feet poke off the end? Either way, we'd be close.

The reality of the situation caused my face to heat. Nate noticed and joked about my innocence being safe with him. I'd scoffed but then wondered at what point a dry-spell reverted to innocence.

I had to be close if the thought of sleeping beside a hot friend was making me blush. Especially when said hottie probably found me as sexually appealing as a cabbage.

Considerate as usual, Nate suggested I shower first so I could get settled while he washed the beach and yard work away. It was helpful. I'd definitely prefer to hide my dorky Christmas elf patterned nightshirt under the quilt as fast as possible. So, I rushed through my usual routine in the en suite, and he messed with his phone in the chair next to the window until I was under the covers and announced it was his turn.

It had been a long day. I scooted to the very edge of the mattress, leaving him as much space as possible, and fell asleep before he finished in the bathroom.

Now, I was practically feeling him up. Cheese. And. Rice. I clenched my teeth and willed Nate to stay asleep while I peeled myself off so I wouldn't die of embarrassment.

First, my leg. Slowly, and without pulling the covers, I moved it over to my side. His breathing stayed steady, so I lifted the rest of myself from his torso. Almost there, all I had to do was scoot over a bit.

My hair yanked me to a stop. I felt for the problem. The arm tucked behind his neck had pinched my ponytail in the bend of his elbow.

Reaching over my head, I tried to slip one small section free at a time, so he wouldn't feel anything. It was harder than I'd anticipated, and arching back without touching him used way more core strength than I was prepared to exert first thing in the morning. Halfway free, I had to stop to rest.

Peering over my shoulder to be sure he was still asleep, I met his green gaze and his expression switched from sleepy confusion to amusement. "What are you doing?"

He straightened his arm, freeing me, and I collapsed onto my pillow with a huff. "Oh nothing. Just trying to get over here before you caught me groping you in my sleep."

I covered my eyes with my palms as the mattress shook with Nate's laughter. "I think I'd have woken up if I was being groped."

"Apparently not."

Movement made me think Nate was escaping, but he'd only rolled to his side. He lifted one of my hands and grinned. "Will you be this dramatic all day?"

"Maybe. I haven't decided."

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