20 - This just got real juicy.

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In the morning, within seconds of waking, Andre filled my mind. Last night was the best date of my life.

Self-esteem wasn't my strong suit, and because of that, I usually felt self-conscious, but not with Andre. He kept me laughing, and even though he constantly made me blush, nervousness from being unsure of myself wasn't the cause; it was the tingling, heart-racing sensation that came with wanting someone and knowing they feel the same. His affectionate attention made me feel beautiful.

I rolled over and stretched, happy for a few more days off from work, and excited to spend at least one of them with Andre. Arranging our schedule with nothing to do for over a week was the smartest thing Laurel and I had ever done. Until January second, I was free of obligations, so there was no guilt over lazing in bed.

It was peaceful for the five seconds it took Mother and the way we'd left things to cross my mind. Shame reared its ugly head, sneering at me, but Granny was supportive, and that helped. Dad only seemed bothered by the way Mother had taken everything.

Maybe my moving away hurt her feelings, but she had a strange way of showing it. I never thought she missed me so much as she was embarrassed by me. It was obvious that the realization she didn't know her kids very well hurt her, but whose fault was that? She never attempted to get to know us, only to shape us into the people she wished we were.

This wasn't my doing or Joby's. Mother's toxic behavior caused these problems, and I wouldn't let her make me doubt myself anymore. I took a deep breath and shoved the negative feelings down deep. They'd fester and cause an issue later, but today, I had better things to focus on.

It was my turn to plan our night, and I had no ideas. Part of the problem was I'd be happy doing absolutely anything with Andre. We could check out one of the light displays Laurel mentioned, or a movie, or go out to eat.

The way Andre's face lit up at dinner when he told me about spending Christmas morning with his little niece was precious. He and his younger sister were close, but she moved across the country with her military husband, and they rarely got to see each other. Thankfully, they'd all been able to spend the holiday together at their parent's house. That meant he'd got to pretend to be Santa dropping off gifts while the three-year-old was in the bath.

He cracked up telling me about setting the presents under the tree, yelling ho, ho, ho, and hearing her frantic pleas for her mom to dry her off so she could see Santa. She'd been too slow to catch him, but she was thrilled with the number of presents he'd left for her—even if her mom said Santa had gone a little overboard.

My cheeks ached, and I realized the thought of Andre laughing and telling his story had me grinning. He was the sweetest, sexiest Santa—I'd like to sit in his lap and tell him what I wanted. A giggle burst from me, and I buried my face in the blanket. Laurel was rubbing off on me.

Buzzing on the nightstand alerted me to a text, and I sat up to reach for the phone. "Good morning! Can't wait to see you," a message from Andre read.

I smiled and responded, I'm excited too.

The phone rang in my hand, and flutters filled my chest until a number I didn't recognize showed on the caller ID. Probably a sales call, but I answered anyway.


"Hey, Liv. You weren't asleep, were you? It's almost nine," Joby said.

My brother was much better than a sales call. I smiled and cleared my throat. "No, I'm up. I just hadn't talked to anyone yet."

"Well, Dad called this morning." He sighed. "Oh, this is my work number if you want to keep it."

"Okay." I put him on speaker so I could do that before I forgot. "What did Dad say?"

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