15 - Liv... how could you?

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After several seconds where the din of the crowd seemed to press against me, Andre spoke. "What about the guy I saw you with the other day? Did you guys break up?"

I chewed a piece of ice, shook my head, and before I could explain, Andre said, "No. If you didn't break up, I don't need to hear anything else. I can't condone cheating."

His assumptions were understandable, even if they pissed me off. I clenched my teeth and silently counted to five. "What type of person do you think I am? We—"

"I'm sure you have your reasons, and that's something you should discuss with him before you date someone else."

"I'd agree with you if we were ever in a real relationship."

His mouth opened, but it was my turn to interrupt him. "Clearly this is a hot button issue for you, and maybe you've forgotten how high school ended for me, but I'm not exactly a fan of cheaters, either."

He winced. "I remember."

"Well, that's why Nate came to Christmas."

Andre blinked a few times. "I don't understand."

I flopped back, and the room seemed to slide to the right for a second. It was possible that four strong cocktails on an empty stomach were a bad idea. They weren't helping my communication skills, and neither was the fact that the bar had grown even more crowded, raising the noise several levels.

I tried again. "Do you remember how we went out once, and it was the best date, and I liked you a lot, but then Sawyer said he loved me, and because he was already my friend and I'd only been out with you once, I made the worst choice ever and became his girlfriend?"

His lips pinched together and I couldn't tell if he was annoyed or trying not to laugh. Either way, it'd be smart to get on with the story. "Anyway, he cheated on me with my cousin Briar. Then she started rumors that Sawyer had already dumped me, and I was stalking him, along with other stuff to make me sound crazy. When I moved away, she told everyone I was pregnant and left because Sawyer didn't want me or the baby."

Andre arched his brow. "For the record, I never believed any of that. He cheated and got caught. I figured he lied to seem like less of a jerk."

"Thank you." Knowing Andre didn't buy that crap gave me the urge to crawl over the stupid, enormous table, keeping him three feet away. Since he thought I was in a relationship, I should clear that up first.

"Most people believed at least some of it. Briar made it up, though, not him. She hated me, and I never even knew."

He scoffed. "That girl had issues, but I never heard it was her."

"Oh, I didn't either until yesterday. There was an entire scene. She blew up at me and admitted she's been lying about being pregnant and she and Sawyer are getting divorced now, I think."

Andre's eyes widened. "That all happened yesterday?"

"Yep." I popped the p and wondered if the alcohol bringer would come soon. It was wonderful not caring about all of that stuff for a while. I spotted her crossing the room, waved, and she strode toward us.

"Y'all ready for another round?"

I grinned. "Yes, please."

"Can we get water too, please?" He looked at me and spoke softly, "What would you like to eat? That last drink seemed to hit you pretty hard. Some food might help."

He was so sweet I could've melted right there. "I didn't even tell you Nate's a fake, and you're being so kind. Gah, you're amazing." I rested my elbow on the table and my chin against my fist, trying to anchor myself. If everything stopped being wavy, I'd see his beautiful face better.

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