7 - It's beautiful here.

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As soon as Nate and I entered the house, Granny ushered us toward the kitchen and instructed Nate to set the big box of tins on the floor. "I'm so glad they were still open. Thank you for picking them up."

I didn't mention running into Andre, and hoped it wouldn't get back to Granny. Pretending everything was fine and I wasn't kicking myself would be easier that way.

"No problem. Nate enjoyed seeing the shop."

"And we bought a ton of candy," Nate added with a boyish grin.

Granny wagged her finger at him. "You shouldn't have candy. You're already too sweet."

Reaching up, she pinched his cheek, and I laughed. "Oh no, watch out. She's buttering you up for something."

"No reason for that, Granny." Nate chuckled. "I'm glad to do anything you need."

"Well, don't agree too fast." She tugged the front of his shirt. "You're dressed so nicely, and you may not have brought clothes to work in, but Joby insisted on trimming the trees, and I worry about him doing it by himself."

Joby hadn't been joking; he wanted to avoid this family more than I did. I moved to the windows and scanned the yard but didn't see him. Then a huge limb fell, and there he was, standing on a thick branch, twenty feet in the air, holding a chainsaw.

"Yikes," Nate said behind me. "Give me a minute to change."

He rushed from the room, and Granny patted my shoulder. "I'm fond of him."

"Me too." And it was the truth. We weren't really a couple, but Nate was already a friend, and I was grateful.

Granny and I stacked containers of cookies on the counter with everything else to get them packed. Before we'd even finished organizing, Nate was back. He'd changed into worn jeans and a plain white tee that hugged his shoulders and tapered to his waist.

Stopping to peck my cheek, he said, "Call if you need me."

"Won't you be cold?"

"Nah. I have a hoodie in our room if it gets cooler later."


The door shut behind him and we watched as he jogged across the yard to Joby. Granny sighed. "Charming, and not too bad to look at either."

I giggled. "Granny!"

"Well, I'm not blind, and that's a pinchable butt. Now, quit gaping at that boy and help me."


Two hours after ruining my chances with Andre for the second time, Granny and I were almost through packing her rectangular tins. This year's design was green with sparkly gold removable lettering that read, May your day be merry and bright. Love, Charlotte.

The backdoor opened, and Nate entered with Joby following behind. The temperature dropped while they were out there, leaving the tips of their noses pink.

Joby looked worn out, and Nate's hair was adorably disheveled. I ran my fingers over the ends as I walked by him on my way to the fridge. He tickled my side and slid a stool out at the island to sit while Joby leaned against the counter.

"All finished?" Granny asked as I passed each of the guys a bottle of water.

Joby cracked his drink open. "Almost. Everything's trimmed and piled up. It should dry out a little before being burned. If it doesn't rain, I'll do it Tuesday."

"Alright, but I didn't invite you here to do yard work."

"It's no problem. This is the only place I get to, and I enjoy it." Joby smiled at Granny and then his gaze bounced from Nate to his own shoes as though he was ignoring my boyfriend.

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