14 - I misunderstood, it's okay.

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I scooted onto the large, black padded bench across from Andre and concentrated all my energy on not appearing as nervous as I felt. It wasn't easy.

"So, you're a realtor in Atlanta." He took a swig of his beer and waved to the waitress as she walked by.

The brunette stopped, tucked a serving tray under her arm, and smoothed her thin blue tie over her white button up. "What can I get y'all?"

"I'll have another of these when you have a second, and whatever my friend would like."

They both watched me as I tried to decide if adding alcohol to this situation would be wise. My indecision must have shown because Andre pointed at his glass. "Have something. I am."

After a glance at the specials board, I ordered a Sparkling Santa, which included cranberry juice, peach schnapps, and vodka. The server left, and we were alone again.

My pulse raced, and I hoped Andre couldn't see how flustered he made me. "I didn't know you were in construction."

"Yep, I started helping my uncle in high school, actually. It was only during the summers, but I enjoyed it, and he moved me around the job sites, so I could learn different positions. By the time I graduated college, I'd done almost everything that goes into building a house."

"Wow, that's impressive. He must've been planning for you to run the place eventually."

The waitress set our glasses on the shiny lacquered wood in front of us. "I'll check on y'all soon."

We both thanked her as she moved on to her next customers. I stirred the liquid with the tiny green straw before trying it. Ice cold fruitiness coated my tongue and warmed my throat. It was delicious, and I hummed in appreciation. "This is awesome."

"Great." Andre smiled, causing flutters in my chest.

My finger twisted in my hair tugging, and I realized I'd been nervously twirling. After freeing it, I tucked the wave behind my ear and squeezed my hands together in my lap. "So, did you always want to run Taylor Residential?"

His head tilted as he considered his answer. "Not exactly. I loved it, but seeing the hours my uncle put in, I wasn't sure I could do it. He had faith in me though, and I strive to make sure we reach the high standard he set."

"Sounds like a lot of pressure."

"It was tough at first, but I've been doing it for a while now. Barry, my uncle, stepped down unofficially a few years ago, leaving me in charge but monitoring things from a distance. I think I've finally found a rhythm that works for the company and my personal life." His mouth pulled down at the corners, then he sighed and gulped his beer.

Why did he seem sad suddenly? "That's a good thing, right? I mean, everyone needs free time, even if you are a super important boss."

He huffed, and his smile returned. "That's true. I just wish I'd figured out how to balance things before I rushed into a marriage bound for divorce."

"Oh, no. I'm so sorry." My heart ached for him as jealousy churned in my stomach. I shoved away the image of some faceless supermodel in a wedding dress that filled my mind. I couldn't be jealous of a woman I'd never seen over a man that wasn't mine.

"Don't be. It's been almost two years since the divorce." He shrugged. "We live and we learn, right?"

"I know I have." I sipped on my straw, creating a slurping sound in the glass filled with nothing but ice. "Whoops. That went fast."

Andre chuckled and finished his beverage, setting both our cups on the side of the table and signaling the waitress that we'd take two more. "Why don't we get this business talk out of the way and then hang out a bit? That's if you're not busy?"

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