Bonus - Andre's POV

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You understood me fine, I still shouldn't have said it.

The waitress dropped off my beer with a smile, and I closed the laptop to relax in the hum of the crowded bar for a few minutes before Laurel's partner arrived. If they were anything alike, this woman could be a handful, but I'd prepared.

As long as this meeting went well, the paperwork was ready to sign. I weighed the pros and cons again. There was a fine line between great salesperson and pushy pain in the butt to deal with. So far, Laurel had stayed on the side I'd like to have on my team.

Plus, their sales record spoke for itself and if Picket Fence Realty put this level of work into getting a contract, that was a good sign. Unless this partner crossed to the other side of the what-was-tolerable line, there were no cons, and I had my realtors.

I checked the time on my cell—fifteen minutes until she should be here. Hopefully, this wouldn't take long. I wanted to soak up as much time with Breanna as I could before Simone snatched her away, back across the country. Yeah, she's her kid and Miles is a great dad, but shouldn't an uncle have rights? Maybe they'd get stationed somewhere closer next time.

Someone stopped beside me. I turned and there she was, again. Her. My Jolivette, and she was giving me the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen.

But she wasn't mine. Jealousy turned in my stomach as I reminded myself she had a man, and it wasn't me.

"Jolivette!" My voice was unnaturally tight and required extra effort to sound casual. "We go ten years, and now I see you twice in a week."

Where have you been?

Did you think of me the way I've thought of you?

I wished I could ask. Instead, I pushed my feelings aside and stood to hug her—that wasn't inappropriate for old friends. It was a mistake, though, because when the flowery scent of her hair filled my head, I knew I'd never forget it, even if I never got to smell it again.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and glanced around for her boyfriend. "Are you by yourself?"

"I'm here for a work thing, actually. I'm supposed to be meeting someone." She squeezed her hands together until her knuckles bleached white.

Did I make her nervous? I bit back my smirk. Wait, work? "You are? Picket Fence Realty?"

Her pretty pink lips popped open. "You're the guy from Taylor?" The shock in her voice was cute.

Everything seemed to make her flustered. I should feel bad about it, but knowing I affected her the way she affected me stroked my ego in a way I hadn't felt in a long time. Needing a bit of space before I did something stupid, I turned to the table and opened the laptop, showing her the Oak Ridge layout.

"When I spoke to Laurel, she said to expect her partner Liv." Now that I thought about it, I vaguely remembered a few people calling her that toward the end of high school. "Jo-liv-ette."


She nodded, and I pointed to the opposite side of the booth. "Now, I'm looking forward to this."

I worked to restrain my excitement as she settled in her seat. Then I scanned the room for the waitress. If I was going to play it cool, I'd need another drink.

"So, you're a realtor in Atlanta." She'd been so close all this time. Why couldn't I have run into her before, while we were both single? I took a swig of my beer just as the waitress passed by and I waved her over.

"What can I get y'all?" she asked.

"I'll have another of these when you have a second, and whatever my friend would like."

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