5 - Congratulations.

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"There's my girl," Granny called as we climbed the wooden stairs to join her on the porch.

"Granny!" I rushed the last few steps and released Nate so I could throw my arms around her. Resting my chin on her shoulder, I inhaled the lightly sweet, floral scent of the perfume she'd worn my entire life. Even though I never lived with her, she smelled like home. "I missed you."

Her hold on me tightened. "I missed you too." She patted my back before stepping away. "Now, let's meet this man of yours."

"This is Nate." I stood beside him, and he rested his palm on my hip.

Muffled voices came from the house, but I ignored them. Half the people in there would search for flaws, ready to pick us apart like vultures starving for an imperfection. Not Granny. She'd get to know Nate and then decide what she thought of him.

She tilted her head and studied him like she planned to describe him to a sketch artist later, although I wouldn't blame her if she was just checking him out. Nate dealt with her scrutiny well, smiling and offering his hand.

Instead of shaking it, Granny used it to tug him closer. "Nate, did you know Liv is my favorite grandbaby?"

He grinned. "I didn't, but I can understand why. She's pretty great."

"That she is." Granny nodded with an approving gleam in her eye. I scoffed, and she pressed her finger to her lips, "Shh, don't tell the rest of'em. It'd cause a stink."

Over my giggling, Nate answered seriously. "Your secret is safe with me, Mrs. Carson."

She patted the large hand she now held in both of her tiny ones. "When Liv's coming to visit, and time's getting close, I get so excited that I watch for her at the window. For a long time it's hurt seeing her arrive looking like she's going to the gallows."

My jaw dropped. "No, I'm always excited to visit you, Granny. It's just—"

"I don't take it personally, lamb." She brushed her icy knuckles over my cheek. "I may be old, but not much gets by me. If I were you, I wouldn't be racing to come here either." Granny's gaze locked on Nate's. "But today, with you beside her, my grand girl is happy. So, I'm glad you could join us, and if anyone bothers you, you just tell me. I'll handle it."

"Yes, ma'am. Thank you, Mrs. Carson." Nate's smile stretched from ear to ear.

If Granny had been checking him out, and Nate was straight, she might've had a chance. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the idea.

"Call me Granny. All my favorite people do." She released him and turned to the door, leading us inside.

Nate faced me wide-eyed and mouthed, "I love her."

I nodded in agreement as the sound of Reba singing "Winter Wonderland" poured from the kitchen radio where Granny was sure to have every available person working on her signature spice cookies.

As we entered, Nate laced our fingers together, and stopped to scan the Christmas decor in the living room. Classic red and green with touches of gold covered every available inch, but felt cozy rather than gaudy.

White lights shone from an enormous tree that took up an entire corner and displayed ornaments ranging from delicate crystal to construction paper monstrosities that rained glitter at the slightest provocation. From experience, I knew if an expensive crystal ornament broke, Granny would hardly notice. But if one of the art projects we'd made for her as kids that still reeked of too much Elmer's glue fell apart, she'd cry.

Granny paused by the poinsettia garland-trimmed staircase that led to the second floor. "I have your room ready for you, but come see everyone before you collect your luggage."

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