Chapter 2: Reconsideration

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Ether's first and foremost goal was to build healthy relationships with various people that will have an big impact in the story, with that in mind, he approached the church like always.

Like the sly fox he is, Ether had taken advantage of his appearance and skills to approach those people, by helping the church out with their needs, he was able to build a friendship between himself and Barbara. By lending a hand to the knights of Favonius when they're in need of help, the relationship between them and him will be more positive. And by getting along with Diluc, he was able to gather more useful information than he would've had if he built an information gathering force from the beginning. Although he wasn't sure at first, he did initially think that he was to stay out of the story if he wanted a peaceful life, but where's the fun in that? And so he decided to take action to support the main character even if it amounts to changes to the storyline. But before the travelers arrival, Ether still has something to finish.

Ether quickly made his way home after he finished his meal, it was fulfilling but now it's time to work. He quickly grabbed out the materials he gathered for this occasion, which was listed in front of him on the crafting panel.

Item: Drake's Redemption(Grade E) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Description: Growth type weapon. Grows alongside the wielder of the weapon when given the required materials. Blade that absorbed and contained the essence of an dragon. Can absorb more power from powerful materials.

Weapon type: Sword

Crafting type: Smithing

Materials needed: 1 Crystal Core, 4 Vitalized Dragontooth, 4 Crystal chunks, 2 Magical Crystal Chunks, 1 Iron Chunk, and 2 White Iron Chunks

He had collected all those materials along side with his daily commission from the adventurer's guild daily. The hardest thing about gathering those materials were the mere fact that know they only comes from the dragonspine alone was a bothersome thing to do. He had to endure the harsh blizzards and icy weather of the place, not to mention about the slimes there, it took Ether nearly a week to get even one Vitalized Tooth, which took him a total around a month and a week to get her all the Vitalized tooth he had needed.

He had tried various different ways to gather the materials, it was easy at first but it got harder as time went on, even though he had gathered all the materials about a year or so ago, the system had a strange requirement, that being said, the requirement would be the x amount of days before the main storyline starts, and he unlocked it recently but never got it done. Until now, he's been delaying the method of crafting as he attempted to look for better weapons outside of the system but to no avail. Which is why he resorted to crafting Drakes Redemption from the system, after all it is a growth weapon and better than any he had seen in display from blacksmiths and such.

The information of the whole weapon displayed in front of him in a panel that only he could see.

Name: Drakes Redemption

Weapon type: Sword

Rank: E (Growth weapon)

Effects: When fatally wounded, or possibly killed, leave the user at one health instead of dead. (Cooldown:A Month)

Description: Scimitar forged using the tooth of an dragon, it's sharpness isn't to be underestimated. With that in mind, the tooth of the dragon was Vitalized as if it wanted to make a redemption for its mistakes, and the weapon it was created into was made to protect its user, at least once in a while from fatal wounds.

At the sight of the description of the weapon, Ether knew that the world was vastly different from the one he knows of Genshin, be it his appearance or the system's influence, he already prepared himself for this. After all, if nothing new comes, then nothing old will be tossed away. As Ether snuggles around in the bed, he couldn't help but wonder, 'If that's the case, why should I try another approach and see which of the twin seems more fun for me to help out?'

'It's still quite a while until the traveler arrives here, so it probably won't hurt, but do I really trust someone who tossed away this body of mine?' The thought lingered in Ether's mind, after all, even if he helped the Abyss traveler, he doesn't know when or how they'll betray him, and he knows how the original story will go so he can improvise from there on.

'So is it a smarter idea to stick with the abyss order or the traveler? Perhaps I should just wait it out.' As Ether's thoughts appeared, so did a devious grin take place on his face, 'This will be fun...'

'Should I play the role of an double agent then? No probably not as that will put me in more danger than I could possibly imagine and get out of hand,' Ether kept thinking, his head fuming because of the sheer amount of ideas he has.

"I guess the decision will be made later when the traveler is here then? Perhaps I should go interact more with the other characters so I don't feel so weird around them with the traveler around,' Ether grinned at the thought. 'Oh wait! I forgot about the emergency food... maybe the system has something that can make Paimon taste good?

A/N: Another chapter and I'm at a lost because I don't know what to write next... should I do interactions between my OC and Jean Barbara and the others? Or just skip to traveler's arrival? Please answer in the next day or two because the longer it takes means longer you need to wait for a new chapter

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