Chapter 7: Calm before the Storm [4/?]

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'Show me the results...' Ether demanded, after all, he couldn't hide his curiosity, 'Would they be compatible? The suspense is killing me.'

[Results, Soulmate Status: 98%]

'Hmm? What does that mean?' Ether wondered, he expected the system to give him a Yes or No answer but the percentage answers were the least expected, so it caught him off guard.

[Is the host wondering about what the soulmate status percentage is about? If so then would you like for the system to explain it? Yes/No?]

Ether couldn't help but feel curious as the result was vastly different from what he had imagined, he thought that the system would just give him a Yes or no answer and call it a day.

[So the soulmate status percentage represents the percentage of how the two beings match with each other, as this goes into more depth than just saying that they're your soulmate. Different percentages contain different meanings. 0%-10% means that they are incompatible, 11%-25% means that they're not romantically compatible, 26%-50% means they are semi-compatible, 51%-75% means that they are mostly compatible with each other, 76%-90% means that they're compatible in many terms, 91%-99% means that they are close to impeccable in terms of compatibility, and 100% just means that they're a perfect match for each other!]

'Interesting... maybe I can have some fun with this on myself later on!' Ether's mind stormed with ideas of how he could potentially use this ability as a source of entertainment as he waits for Lumine to arrive in Mondstadt.

[Sorry, host but this feature cannot be used on the host with others. It will not work!]

"And there goes my fun..." Ether complained as his brain racked up more wacky ideas to mess around with this feature. 'Perhaps I can use it on others like Kaeya or Albert... after all, Kaeya is quite a playboy, and Albert... what can I say other than him being a fucking simp....'

As the thought of Albert simping for Barbara, Ether couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment, after all, Barbara was a little sister to him, and he couldn't help but feel like an overprotective older brother when it comes to people who make Barbara feel uncomfortable now, can he?

'Let's call it a night... and perhaps we could get Diluc to talk about it tomorrow.' Ether thinks as he looks up into the night sky. 'If he talks about it that is... but holy shit 98%...'

-Flashback ends

"Yo Ether! How are you doing?" Kaeya greeted him, looking as easygoing as always. "Jean told me to tell you that she would like to see you in her office later!"

"I'm doing fine, and if you don't mind me asking, why does Jean need to see me? I'm no part of the Knights now, am I?" Ether says in return, rolling his eyes at Kaeya which clearly shows how annoyed he was with this request.

"Oh, c'mon man! If Jean was to tell someone else to go and find someone else in Mondstadt, it must be an important matter!" Said Kaeya, he wasn't wrong, since j Jean always tends to be more considerate of others than she does of herself. It is unlikely for her to ask someone else to tell someone things in her place unless it was an emergency or an important matter.

"You're right, Kaeya. I should go and check on Jean later." Ether nodded as he said that, realizing that Kaeya was constantly looking behind him and his body language tells Ether that he wants to leave. "What's the rush, man?"

"KAEYA!" Sweat dripped down Kaeya's face as he heard two feminine voices from not far away. "I'll talk to you later, Ether!" Kaeya said as he sprinted in the opposite direction of where the voices came from.

From the directions of where the voice was heard, two mature ladies were spotted, waving to Ether as they walked over. "Ether, have you seen Kaeya?" Lisa asked as she walked over with a smile, but Ether knew that underneath that smile of hers lay an angry expression beyond human comprehension. 'Just what did you do now, Kaeya?' Ether couldn't help but question himself, how did he get himself into this mess now?

"Kaeya just left after hearing, I suppose, the two of your voices calling him?" Ether answered, obviously confused by what Kaeya did to them to cause their anger to skyrocket. "If you don't mind me asking, what, exactly did he do?"

"You can probably guess what he did seeing the two of us together now, can't you Ether?" The pale-skinned woman asked Ether, this was Rosaria.

"Uhhh I have a guess.. did Kaeya do something again?" Ether spoke his thoughts aloud as he thought about what Kaeya could've done to wrong these two... dangerous beauties.

"We'll leave the rest to your imagination. Now, we got a Kaeya to catch, see you around Ether!" Lisa said before dashing off with Rosaria in the direction where Kaeya had sprinted off to. 'Sorry Kaeya, but you brought this upon yourself, I pray that you will live another day.'

Ether silently started praying 🙏 for Kaeya if he does get caught by those two, who knows what will happen to him if he did get caught by them? In any case, it's none of his business now and he resumed walking toward Jean's office, as he heard screams from the background.

After arriving in front of the office door, Ether was greeted by a surprise bomb. He panicked and joggled the bomb until it exploded, but before it did, Ether closed his eyes and just accepted his fate, 'Is this the end for me?'

"Heehee! Surprise! Ether, you should've seen your face!" A kid's voice was heard as Ether thought he was dead and was sent to the afterlife.

When Ether opened his eyes, he was greeted by Klee and the bomb in his hands exploded into confetti. Letting out a deep breath, Ether was relieved that he didn't meet his demise in this life yet.

A/N: I didn't plan this to be a romance drama thing but lol also Winter break after tomorrow yay!

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