Chapter 5: Calm before the Storm [2/?]

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After Lisa and Amber had left the room, Jean closed the door tightly behind them to make sure that no detail was to be heard by others outside. "So what important matters does 'The Mastermind' Ether have to discuss with me?" Jean teased Ether as she walked back to her desk.

"I am just here to report my findings, that's all. After all, the Knights are so inefficient, to say the least. What you wish to do about it is none of my concern afterward." Ether stated as he crossed his arms together and stared at Jean.

"For the better or for the worse, you're just like Master Diluc." Stated Jean after she had thought about what Ether had said. "Fine, what is it?"

"You know about the appearance of the dragon that people of Mondstadt have been talking about since its appearance here in the city?"

"Yes, the amount of fear that generated, but thankfully it left without any damage that was dealt to properties."

"Good, then I suppose you don't know about its true identity then?"

"True identity...?"

"According to the legends recorded around 500 years ago and my research, it was said that Dvalin, one of the Four winds at the time, fought for Mondstadt against another Dragon, one called Durin on behalf of the Anemo Archon, it was assumed that Dvalin was the victor, but he never appeared after. It was said that the dragon fell into a deep slumber afterward."

"I see, but how does this story relate to the matter on hand?"

"Wait, I'm just about to get to the good part."


"Anyways, it was rumored that it settled in the ancient god Decarabian's abandoned tower to recuperate. And now what if the said Dragon woke up today? 500 years later, just to be feared by the humans of this era after all that he's done for Mondstadt?"

"If it was me, I would be very disappointed and upset by this set of events."

"And what if the reason for Dvalin's slumber was caused by the fight between Durin and him?"

"Then he'll resent the citizens of Mondstadt even more?"

"And let's say that a certain something decides to take advantage of this...?"

"Then the dragon would be used against Mondstadt?!?"

Grinning, Ether couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. "So you do get it! Here I thought I was going to be here for another year..."

"Hey! That's mean! Isn't the purpose of your visit about informing me of this?" Jean complained, she couldn't help but feel flustered whenever she talked to Aether as it seems like he had no trouble seeing through her or others.

"Do whatever you wish to do about it and it's none of my concern, if the Knights can't do much about it, then I might have to step up and save the INCOMPETENT knights of Favonius,"

"We'll handle this matter swiftly, but if the situation gets worse then please lend us, no Mondstadt, your assistance." Jean proposed as Ether turned to leave the room.

"Do as you wish, I'll step in if the situation is dire." Those were the last words of Ether before the door slammed shut.

~Outside of the Knight of Favonius headquarters~

"Now that's done over with, I should go and take a break now," Just as that thought came to Ether's mind, he couldn't resist wondering what was happening to cause the scene. Just as Ether walked a bit closer, he noticed a blonde girl in the middle of the crowd.

'Oh gosh, it's this again...' Ether couldn't help but sigh as he shook his head in disappointment. In the distance, cheers were heard from the people of Mondstadt, one can see them in the open, surrounding a blonde, cute girl who is full of smiles.'Barbara is going to overwork herself again.'


When Ether had first arrived in Mondstadt, he couldn't help but notice the cheerful girl that had citizens of Mondstadt surround her, it made him think about how idols were a profession back on Earth.

At first, the said girl didn't intrigue Ether but he couldn't help but noticed the little bags beneath her eyes and how her stats panel looked.

Title: "Shining Idol"
Let the Show Begin (Active) (ES)
Shining Miracle (Active) (EB)
With my whole heart (Passive)

Favorability: 0
Soulmate: ???
[System note: Cute girl, wouldn't you think? Want to try and make her yours?]

'System, are you suggesting that I'm a playboy now?' Ether questioned the system as he continued observing. He couldn't help but wonder, 'How can a girl like that have such high STA stats?'

His question was answered by her next move, she continuously sings and heals those around her, despite her limits and her fatigue, this made Ether feel rather interested in her.
'She's a strong one, huh?'

Seeing how fatigued she was and how others surround her didn't seem to notice anything, Ether decided to take action before the situation got worse.

By controlling his Anemo powers, he managed to control the wind to blow into people's eyes as he swooped in and held Barbara in bridal carry style and got Barbara out of there. Instead of resisting or complaining, Barbara surprisingly fell asleep in his arms.

~Flashback End~

Seeing that Barbara was pushing herself once again, Aether couldn't help but let out a light chuckle, "And she still goes out of her way healing others than taking care of herself..."

Ether took the same approach as he did when he first met Barbara, which was to swoop on over and carry Barbara in bridal style once again.

"Ahhh! Brother Ether! Don't do that again!" Barbara nervously said, flustered by Ether's sudden appearance.

A/N: Brother Ether is just the way Barbara talks to Ether, because of how much of a caring figure he was and how he treats her like a little sister

"Now, I won't be a good brother now if I left my cute little sister surrounded by a bunch of her fans when she's fatigued now, will I?" Ether replied, to which made Barbara blush quite intensely.

[Ding! Congratulations to host to raising individual: Barbara's familiarity above 75, the option to check the soulmate status is now unlocked!]

'I'll check that out later, probably after the Stormterror problem gets solved after the traveler arrives.' Ether thought as after the system had notified Ether about this.

After bringing Barbara to somewhere safe and secure, Ether let Barbara down, but to his surprise, Barbara was in a dazzled state. "I didn't do anything wrong, did I?" Ether couldn't help but blurt out his thoughts out loud.

"N-no, it's just... I don't know how to thank you for that, I was so tired but I can't help it," Barbara said, avoiding Ether's eyes intentionally.

"It's nice to see my cute sister try her hardest, but it wouldn't be good if you were to collapse in exhaustion now, would it?" Ether says, seemingly confused as to why she couldn't meet his eyes.

'I wish... I wish that Brother Ether would stop seeing me as a little sister and start to see me as the opposite gender...' Barbara thought as she turned away from Ether, clearly flustered from such thoughts.

"Thank you, Brother Ether, I'll be going back to rest now!" Barbara said as she ran off into the distance before turning back and waving bye to Ether.

Ether returned her wave with his own and smiled as he saw Barbara off. 'This has been a long day, I should have some rest for tomorrow in preparation for traveler's arrival.

A/N: Putting off the soul mate thing every time until the game scenarios end so I can possibly write love routes for some once this story catches up with Genshin Lore, also, I haven't done any genshin events yet, so it will be hard to do stuff like 2.4 Lantern Rite without research. So if I decide to do it then it'll likely take longer. Thanks for reading! Btw uploads are likely to take longer soon because I write in Webnovel first and all the chapter there that are published are almost all here

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