Chapter 11: Duties of the Knights

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At the Headquarters...

*Knock Knock* Ether knocks on the door to Jean's office, in case he was interrupting something important. "Come on in," Jean consented, as Ether opens the door.

"My bad... am I interrupting something important?" Ether asked at the sight of Jean and the others gathered around, excusing himself. "Perhaps I will come back later then."

"No, it's fine Ether. You came at the perfect moment." Jean says in response. "Let us introduce you to Ether, Lumine, and Ether, this is Lumine, the one who-"

"Who helped me out and saved me? Yea I heard from Barbara." Ether interrupted, reaching his hand out for a handshake. "Hmm? Is something on my face?"

"Uh... no I am sorry! You just look... look like a person I know." Lumine stuttered at his question, clearly shocked by his appearance as she shook his hands.

"Now that you mention it... Ether and Lumine seemed quite alike." Lisa commented, "Oh dear, their personality even seems alike."

Jean nodded in agreement. After all, not only did they have the same color of hair, their eyes were the same color too. most will probably mistake them for twins if they didn't know Ether. "Oh...? So who do I look like?" Ether asked.

"Hey! Don't forget about Paimon!" *Puff* a fluffy cloud puffed out of thin air, exclaimed. "Paimon is here too, you know?"

"Oh? What's this fluffy creature that just popped out of nowhere?" Ether asked, pretending to not know anything. "Ah yes! You are the one that Barbara mentioned! She did keep saying Pie as she tried to recall your name, ya know?"

"Paimon is not food! Paimon is Paimon!" Paimon said, puffing its chest up looking all proud.

"Oh well, would you look at the time now?" Lisa intervened in the conversation, "We can come back to this conversation at a later time. Let's get back to the topic on hand first."

"Yes, back to the matters we were talking about earlier, before Ether's appearance." Jean agreed with Lisa's point. "We were talking about the temples of the Four Winds and a plan to cut off Stormterror's power at three of them."

"So... I guess you guys need my help with that?" Ether said as he analyzed the situation. "What do I need to do now?"

"Yes, I would love to ask you to assist us with the process of cutting down Stormterror's power at three of the Four temples," Jean confirmed with Ether. "Alongside with Lumine, the Honorary knight of course."

"Mhm," Ether said, smiling at Lumine as he thought of the plan. "Again, nice to meet you, Honorary knight. The name is Ether. Looking forward to working with you."

"Just Lumine is fine. Please to meet you too!" Lumine smiled back at Ether, still recovering from the shock that Ether closely resembles her brother.

"Alright then! I'll dismiss myself and see you guys around!" Ether said before dashing off. "I'll see you guys later!"

"W-wait!" Lumine called out. But it was too late, Ether's back could no longer be seen. "Sigh..."

"It's not like you won't see him again now, Lumine," Lisa says, patting Lumine on the back. "I'll see you guys later too then, Jean, Lumine."

"Don't forget about Paimon!" Paimon shouted as she appeared out of nowhere.

"Yes yes, see you guys later then!"

Just like that, Lisa left Jean's office, leaving Lumine, Jean, and Paimon together. "We'll head out too, see you later Jean!" Lumine waved bye to Jean before heading out of the headquarters, with one thought that lingered in her mind.

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