Chapter 16: Barbara's Dayoff [3/3]

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It was no surprise to Ether that the crowd surrounding Barbara was chanting her name. 'I don't blame them, at least these fans are sane unlike the ones back on earth...' Right after the thought, an image of someone flashes in his mind. 'Let me correct myself. AT LEAST there aren't as much crazy fans as there is in earth...'

Noticing the wobbling movement of Barbara in amidst the crowd, Ether controlled his anemo energy to create a strong gust of wind, but instead of enveloping himself in it, he released it, causing chaos among the crowd.

As the whirling wind gather the attention of the crowd, Ether silently made his way to Barbara, who is on the verge of fainting.

Before Barbara fully fainted, Ether took advantage of the chaos he had created to escape the crowd and into the night as the wind calmed down and the crowd ran wild.

"Did anyone see where Barbara went?" "Barbara, Barbara, where are you?" The crowd shouted, worried about Barbara's wellbeing.

In the middle of the crowd, where Barbara was standing at, dandelion seeds formed a message. "Barbara will need some rest."

The crowd discussed the message among themselves, before it dispersed as people went their own separate ways.

'Well then, let's go to the cathedral and seek some help then, shall we?' Ether looked at the cathedral as he sprinted towards it. 'Hopefully, Barbara will be ok.'

After explaining the situation to Sister Victoria at the Cathedral, Ether left Barbara to recover overnight.

"Well take care of Barbara, thanks to you, she didn't get hurt." Sister Victoria thanked Ether. "Although I expected this, I didn't expect anything to this extent..."

"Please help me tell Barbara to rest up." Ether voiced his concerns. "She needs to take care of herself better

The next day...

The first word that came to Ether's mind upon waking up was—Barbara. And so he made his way to the cathedral to check on Barbara and her situation.

As Ether made his way to the Cathedral, he couldn't help but notice Lumine and Paimon entering the Knight of Favonius HQ. 'Perhaps I'll check on them if they're still there once I figure out if Barbara is ok.'

Melodies were heard as soon as Ether set foot upon the steps leading up to the cathedral. The tune relaxed his mind and energized his body. 'It seems like Barbara is all good now.'

Upon approaching the door of the Cathedral and slightly pushed it, Ether spotted Barbara instantly, smiling as she was surrounded by a crowd of people as she sang to help them recover. Ether giggled at the sight before leaving without a word.

"What are you doing here all sneakily?" Silently closing the entrance to the Cathedral after catching the sight of Barbara happily helping others, Ether was caught off guard by the question that was asked by someone he knew very well of, Rosaria. "Checking up on Barbara again? Is it because she reminds you of your younger sister again?"

'Well, she isn't wrong,' Ether nodded in response. "Yes, I had to help her out with some things yesterday and I had found her on the verge of collapse in amidst the crowd as she was taking a walk."

"Well, then. Just don't sneak around even if that's the case. You never know when someone is going to mistaken you for a burglar or something like that." Rosaria recommended as she looked around them. "And he's nowhere to be found here either..."

"He? Are you looking for Kaeya?" Ether wondered, "I think I saw him around the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius earlier."

"Is that so? Thank you, I was looking for him." Rosaria smiled as she headed to the headquarters of the Knights. "I'll see you around then."

"Bye! Good luck finding Kaeya!" Ether waved Rosaria off. 'Now then, what to do...? I guess I'm just wander around Mondstadt as I have nothing planned for the day.'

After casually strolling around Mondstadt, an explosion seen in the distance caught Ether's attention. 'Hmmm, what's going on over there?'

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, busy dealing with things and drafting a new fan fiction :)

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