Chapter 13: Break

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*Yawn* Ether stretches out as he comes out from bed, rubbing his eyes, and looks out the window. 'The storm is gone! And I suppose that Lumine, Kaeya, Lisa, or Amber. At least one of them had reported back to Jean about the situation.' He thought.

He did his morning routine and decided to plan based on his knowledge of Genshin Impact based on what he knew. So far, the story has been pretty much the same as he knows it, but he doesn't know what will happen as variables are changing because of his appearance. The increase in Hilichurls, the delay of Lumine's arrival, etc.

'Although things were not going well, at least they're back on track... for now' Ether continues to brainstorm various ways that the story could progress, positive and negative. The failed attempt to recover Dvalin, the encounter with La Signora, the fall of Mondstadt, etc were written down and marked as some of the worse outcomes. Ether tapped his pen as his brain began to work. 'What can I do to make it to the safest possible outcome?'

His pen began to move across the paper, writing words down before crossing the same words that he wrote moments ago. Tell the Knights. Strikeout. Ask Fatui for help. Strikeout. Ether's pen hovered above the last words, but he couldn't strike it out or check it, because he didn't know when or how long it will take for the system to return. 'I could hope that it comes back before anything else happens.'

Ether puts his pen down and lays back on the chair, letting out a sigh before closing his eyes to relax. Pondering on his next step. 'Now that I've gotten that out of the way, what should I be doing during the time being?' His choices were not so great, as it revolves hanging around with other people. Even when he first met Jean and the others, he was always reserved and quiet until Kaeya broke the ice between Ether and the rest of the Knights.

Ether smiled at the thought of their first meeting, it was a memorable one. 'But in the end, people are harder to read than a freaking dictionary.' Regardless of how much he read, people are much more complex than books, which is why he struggles to make new friends. Then... you've got someone like Kaeya, who goes up to people and befriends them in a matter of minutes. This was the point that Ether envied about Kaeya.

But regardless, some other people have made friends with Ether. Such as Katheryne, Albert, etc. 'Are these NPCs or actual humans?' Ether had been looking at others as simply NPCs from the game, but now that he looks back on it, he hasn't been treating them as normal humans.

'Since I have time to spare, might as well just make use of it.' Ether stands up from his chair and moves to dress before heading out.


This first experiment is related to the infamous Barbara simp, the president of the Barbara fan club. 'And I guess I'll find him around the Cathedral.' Ether suspected that Albert is stalking around the Cathedral and hoping to help but sadly, Sister Victoria doesn't believe him.

'The chances of meeting Albert there are very high.' Ether thought as he walked towards the Cathedral, but then got sidetracked by Lumine and Paimon waving at him at the giant statue.

Ether was wondering why they were waving at him and decided to walk over, waving at them with a smile. "Hello there, mind if I ask what you guys are doing?" Ether said as he approached the two with a smile on his face.

Lumine's face turned away from Ether the moment their eyes met, Paimon continued waving at him beside her, asking "Lumine? What's wrong?"

"N-nothing..." Lumine stuttered, before taking a deep breath and looking back at Ether with a smile.

"If you say so," Paimon responded, before struggling the matter off and continuing to wave at Ether like the simpleton she is.

"So, what are you guys doing here?" Ether asked, standing a meter away from Lumine with his right hand on his waist.

"Lumine and Paimon are just walking around the city and exploring it." Paimon responded quickly to the question, "what about you?"

"Me? Hmm," Ether said as he sank into deep thought. "I'm just going around to look for friends and ask them for some tips, why?"

"Paimon thinks that the three of us should go grab some food at Good Hunters! The food there smells delicious! I w-" "You just want to eat, don't you Paimon?" Lumine interrupted Paimon in the middle of the sentence, as Paimon looked back at her with embarrassment on her face, she scratched the back of her head before responding.

"Hehe, was it that oblivious?" Paimon asked with an embarrassed expression as she looked Lumine who is shaking her head in the eye.

'Why is it that you eat so much and still can't grow, both physically or mentally.' Lumine thought as she looked at Paimon, who eats a dozen more but is still small like they first met and her intelligence has been reduced.

"I'll join you guys later for lunch! I have something to do right now!" Ether said as he waved and began walking to the Cathedral. "I'll see you guys later!"

"We will wait there then!" Paimon shouted and waved bye to Ether as he began made his way up the stairs to the Cathedral.

"How rare of you to invite someone to eat together," Lumine said after Ether's figure could no longer be seen.

"Well of course!" Paimon said as she puffed her chest up, "Good food should be shared with people, and we can split the cost."

"Never mind, I take my word back," Lumine sighed, "Now let's finish our daily commissions until then."

The two made their way down the stairs and to the adventurers guild, talking to Katheryn about their daily commissions.


Ether made his way up the stairs and stood in front of the Cathedral, "Even after two years, I still can't get over how amazing this building is." Ether muttered and looked up at the entire building.

'Now then, time for business...' Ether thought as he slowly walked around the outside of the Cathedral, looking for Albert.

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