Chapter 3: Signs of Danger

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Ether had spent the last week or so searching for clues of the Stormterror, Dvalin, awaking. From mere rumors and experiences people claim to have seen in certain areas. One of which particularly intrigues Ether's interest, that being the fact that the wind in the east began to blow stronger than ever, and sightings of an unknown large figure is spotted across the sky in those places, usually during the time when the wind over on the east blows stronger than normal.

Upon further investigation by Ether before the Knights of Favonius took this matter into their hands, he found various information on the awakening of Dvalin, including scratch marks too big to belong to a bear or an animal. Unnatural big destructions upon areas in the stormbearer mountains. And the intensity of these winds increasing the further you go towards the direction of the east. Which is unusual because the wind in all of Mondstadt is of the same strength no matter where, so it's unusual for it to be stronger East than the west and stuff. After gathering those clues, the system informed Ether.

[Main Quest: Dvalin's Slumber - Completed]

[Rewards sent to mailbox]

[New Main Quest Available!]

"Show me the information on the new main quest, system," Ether requested silently so no one heard him.

[Main Mission: Traveler's Arrival]

[Details: Before further progressing on the story, wait for the travelers arrival!]

[Rewards: Travel Companion, Emergency food, and ability to manipulate Anemo energy at will]

[Penalty: Main Questline: "Archon Quest" will not start for the traveler, traveler's death, and the consumption of Emergency food]

Considering that Ether wants to live in this world even after the story lore because of how unique and unexpected cutscenes and what not, he couldn't afford to have a huge change to the genshin story line, minor changes from there and here are fine from time to time as long as the story stays at least 75% the same to the genshin lore. That being said, his existence here already disrupted the original story, and it will continue to do so regardless of what he decides to do. The only risk he can take is to follow the system's quest for the story to progress with little to no changes.

And now, Ether will just have to lay low until the traveler arrives since he had already done his part, but he didn't expect anything to go wrong before the traveler arrives, because after all, in genshin you play in the perspective of the traveler, Aether or Lumine.

A few days after Ether reported his findings at the Adventurers guild and asked them to pass on the information to the Knights of Favonius, the unexpected happened. It was a bright, sunny day like all other days in Mondstadt, however, in an blink of an eye, storm clouds covered the blue sky, winds began to blow harder than ever, strong enough to blow products and skirts up for a while. Then, people began to notice the huge body above the city of Mondstadt, the creature had wings, whale like body, and all the details Ether had remembered about it during his time confronting the dragon in the game, it felt insane how well the modeling was done and gave him shivers when faced in face with it. And it wasn't just him.

Dvalin's presence sent all of Mondstadt into panic, people fled to their homes and screams from civilians were heard, and Ether soon realized that it was this event that led Dvalin to became what was known as Stormterror in the early stages of the game. Instead of rampaging and destroying the city of Mondstadt, however, Dvalin decided to leave the city alone for now. 'He must feel betrayed by humans, after all, he was the one who saved them hundreds of years ago but no human of this era would remember that, in the end, humans can only live for so long and longs for something more.' Was the first thought that came to Ether's mind.

After all, he himself is too familiar with that feeling but he had no choice other than to discard it, since he deemed these feelings as unnecessary, and will only get in the way of his radical decisions. What needs to be done MUST be done, what needs to happen can't be avoided. If humans weren't sinful like they are, than this world would be a better place. That was what he, Ether, always believed in.

Instead of pursuing after Dvalin and comfort the dragon, he decided to report in to the Knights of Favonius. So he headed straight to the Knights of Favonius HQ to find the Acting Grandmaster herself, Jean. Upon entering the building, he was greeted by the one he wanted to see the least, Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius.

"Yo! How's it going, Ether?" Kaeya casually greeted Ether as the he smiled and waved his hand slightly on his side.

"None of your business." Ether faced him the cold shoulder as he spoke.

"Oh but it is! Why are you looking for the Acting Grandmaster? Can't this matter be left up to me?"

"This is why you're the last person I wanted to see here," Ether sighed as he said it in Kaeya's face, with his hand over his head as if he was having an headache.

"Oh, come on! We are friends aren't we?" Kaeya complained as he chuckled.

"Not if you keep this behavior up, no?"

"Alright, I'll leave you along to do your own thing, I have my own matters to attend to now!"

With that said, Kaeya left Ether alone and left the headquarters. Before Ether had the time to take a step, a cheerful and energetic someone would hug him from behind before he could even react.

A/N: Is more interactions between characters better? I am an introvert so I don't know this. Please leave feedback! Have fun reading also should I make this harem or pure romance? I'll wait to see but if you guys say nothing then I'll flip a coin or something! PS leave review please or feedback or even just criticism is fine! Just something lol

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