I Want You 🦝

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Thea is Clarke's younger sister and always pushed aside and ignored by her and your mom. You are always the last choice or not one at all. Your best friend is Octavia, you bonded over being a sibling and getting locked away for it. Lexa has seen you training with Octavia and wanted to get you alone but hasn't gotten the chance. She likes you but doesn't know how to tell you, you both have barely interacted with each other. You also like her but thinks her and Clarke have a thing and she would never want you.

POV Thea

"T" You hear and turn around to see Octavia running towards you. You smile as she engulfs you with a hug. "Hey Tavia!" You say once you pull away from the hug. "Indra wants me to head to Polis with her." She says and my smile drops. Octavia is the only one I talk to, the only one who cares. My own mother doesn't even pay attention, it's Clarke this and Clarke that. Why can't you be like your sister, blah blah blah. "Oh... You are a great warrior they will be lucky to have you there" I say pushing my feeling down. I have a habit of that, push away your feeling because it only brings disappointment. My heart has been broken and torn to pieces enough. "T. Did you think I was going to just leave you? Indra wants you too. She's seen you fighting, she wants to train you too!" She says and my eyes widen. "Me? Why there's so many better..." I start but Octavia cuts me off. "Don't say that. Don't put yourself down. You are amazing, your like a fox all stealthy! Your archery skills are amazing! Please come... I may be we will finally find a place we can fit in" she says and I smile and hug her. "when do we leave?" I ask making her smile. "morning. Pack your things. Oh! We get horses!" She says excitedly making my smile widen.

The next morning I'm up before the sun. I have my bag packed and my bow and quiver I made slung over my shoulder. I don't have much so everything fits in my bag which is nice. I debated leaving a note for my mother but didn't. She wouldn't care or see it anyway. The only thing I'm dreading about going to Polis is that Clarke is there. But from what I've heard from the Trikru warriors is that Polis is big, so maybe I can go unnoticed. I leave my room and walk out of the Ark with a smile. Maybe I can finally be accepted and appreciated for who I am. Just me. So far the grounders have been more excepting of me then my own people and family. I proved myself and that is the reputation I have and It makes me feel whole. I have gained the name Swaipa (fox), and I makes me smile everytime. I walk to the gate seeing Indra, Tavia, Lincoln and a few warriors that haven't left yet. "Ready?" Tavia asks and I nod. I am riding with another warrior I've trained with before so it's not too bad. Octavia is with Lincoln and Indra is in front and the other few warriors behind us. The journey takes maybe 6 hours stopping a few times to rest. Indra said we would make it in time for dinner, which we were having supposedly with the commander. So all in all my plan to avoid Clarke is going to fail since I know she is always where the commander is.

We just arrived in Polis and it's beautiful. The sun is starting to set painting a glow or orange and reds over the capital. "Show them their tents. Lincoln bring them to the mess hall when they are done." Indra says then walks off to probably see the commander. Lincoln and the others walk us to a group of tents where the warriors of Polis stay and train. Octavia and I got a tent together but I know she will sneak off to Lincoln's so it'll be just me most of the time. Good thing I'm use to being alone... I set my things down and grab clean clothes. "Can you redo my braids? I want to at least look put together on the outside" I joke to Tavia making her laugh. "only if you do mine. We can match" she says and I smile nodding. We both change not shy around each other anymore. We clean up and do our braids to match slightly but still make it our own. I place my daggers in their places and nod to Octavia who also puts a knife in her pants. We walk out and go to Lincoln who's waiting for us. When we get to the tower and ride the Elevator up a few floors I start to get nervous after the excitement of newness fades. "Hey, it'll be ok. Just ignore her. Me and Lincoln will be right here" Tavia says making me smile. Linc nods his head making me relax more. We walk down the hall and two guards open the double doors. We are met with multiple tables scattered around and a large one in the front center to the tables. My eyes find Lexa and my breath hitches. She is beautiful, her eyes, her slight smile she tries to hide. Everything about her. "You're staring" Tavia teases snapping me out of it. "Can't help it, but she won't see me" I say sadly making Tavia squeeze my hand. "Her loss" she says smiling making me smile a bit. I look up again and see Clarke and my face automatically goes emotionalist which Tavia notices making her hold my hand tighter. We walk up to their table in which Indra, a bald guy and possible a personal guard? Sits. There are three chairs that I'm guessing is for us. Linc sits next to Indra then Tavia sits next to him leaving the last seat for me. I kinda glad since I'm furthest away from Clarke but that also means I'm furthest away from Lexa. But hey still got these fun looking dudes across from me. I glace around and of course Clarke doesn't even take notice of me as she starts to ask Octavia how Arkadia is doing and our, or more like her mom is. I sit silently as the food gets served and the conversation flows about many types of things. I keep my head down but a nudge snaps me out of my thoughts making me look up and seeing all eyes on me. "Um...what?" I ask making Tavia and Linc laugh. I'm pretty sure even Indra smirked making me roll my eyes. "You are not living up to your name" Indra teases making me glare at her playfully. "I was telling the commander about our newest warrior." She says and I meet Lexa's pricing green eyes on me. "Oh, I wouldn't say.." I start but Octavia jumps in. "She is definitely a Swaipa. You should see her with a bow. Won't see her coming." She praises making me look down and blush in embarrassment. "Thee? Since when can you fight?" Clarke says making my face harden up. "Don't call me that, and wouldn't you like to know" I snark back making Tavia snicker slightly. You see Clarke and I are opposites. She wants to talk and negotiate and she's a leader type. I will start a fight just for the fun of it. I'm also the most sarcastic person ever. "Mature" she says making me smile sarcastically. "Wouldn't know I was locked up in a cell all my life" I say sickly sweet and look away done with the conversation. "Um, well you should see her train commander. Having y/n on your side is better than not." She says making me smile at her. "I guess I will have to stop by while you train tomorrow then. I look forward to seeing what you can do" she says with a slight smile melting my hardened face making me send her a smile back. The rest of dinner is uneventful, but I could feel eyes on me and when I looked up I would see Lexa watching me. She would turn away shyly which confused me, so I shrugged it off. We went back to our tents and I changed and took my braids out laying down getting rest for tomorrow.

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