Bold 🐦

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Cute short little one shot with Raven and Thea.

POV Thea

I don't know where to begin really... Raven, my little bird, my beautifully talented minded best friend, has been struggling. It's not a recent endeavor, ever since Murphy shot her. Even a bit before that. I knew her on the Arc, she was my best friend and we both had a rough childhood. The only difference was she made something out of herself. First youngest zero G mechanic. Me? I got thrown into the skybox at 15. A few weeks before my 18th birthday we were sent to the ground. I never got to say goodbye.

I've loved her ever since I shared my rations with her. But, she was never mine... Finn was her boyfriend. So I suffered in silence, trying to be ok with being second to her. When Finn and Clarke started to get cozy let's just say I may or may not have beat the shit out of him. And when Raven came down I eventually told her. I wanted her to be happy but Finn was being a dick and was messing with her heart. After that we got closer than we ever had. We blurred the lines of friendship but that came crashing down after she got shot. But I refused to let her push me away, but I knew Raven. Everyone expected so much from her and all without thanks. I treated her like normal, or at least as normal as I could. Of course I was worried about her but I didn't pester her like everyone else. I didn't say she couldn't do something I encouraged it only if I could tag along.

I'm not anything special. I'm not nearly as smart as Raven. I'm not as good with a sword as Octavia. I'm not a leader like Clarke. Hell I'm not even a tracker like Finn. I don't see what she sees in me. She could have anyone. But here she sits now, with me. She's tinkering with some radio design where I am fixing a car radio I found for her. "What are you making Thee?" Raven asks me. "A Surprise" I tease her glancing up briefly. "Oh come on! Let me see!" She whines leaning over the table but I swivel around not letting her look. I hear her huff making me chuckle. "What? Little Raven isn't used to not getting what she wants?" I joke making her groan and huff again. I look at her laughing a bit at her cute pout. No Thea! Stop. Not going to happen. "If you wait like 5 minutes it'll be done and I'll show you" I say and she smiles nodding getting excited now. I chuckle and fiddle a bit more making sure everything is set. "Ok! Are you ready to see awesomeness my little Raven?" I ask excitedly making her smile wide and nod wiggling in her seat a bit. " Ok..." I say turning the knob and music filters through filling the room. "Thea! No way!" She says hopping up and hobbling over to me. I smile as she grabs the radio and looks at it, changing the knobs finding different stations. "How?" She asks. "Ok, I must confess it's not live radio music, since there are no radio stations. But.... I found some CDs with this thang and bam! You have yourself music!" I say excitedly. "Me?" She asks confused and something else in her tone I can't identify. "Well ya. You. Who else would I spend 3 hours making something for?" I tease cleaning up the tools.

She sets the radio down and I look at her furrowing my brows. "what? Do you not like it?" I ask confused at the change of mood. "No, no it's not that... You made this. For me?" She asks again making me more confused. It's not like we haven't made each other things before, so what's the deal? "Ya... You're always hauled up in here and when I can't grace you with my amazing presence or you want to relax, or even dance you have something. I thought I would do something nice for you. You deserve it Ray" I say now facing her and holding her hands. I see tears form in her eyes making me worry. Raven Reyes doesn't cry. "Ray Ray..." I say softly as I stand up wrapping her up in my arms. I don't know why is going through that beautiful mind of hers but I know she needs comfort. "I'm sorry" I sniffles making me hold her tighter. "Don't ever apologize for showing feelings." I say firmly but gently. I feel her nod her head against my neck and I place a kiss on her head. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" I ask pulling away slightly. She nods her head and wipes a few stray tears away with her hand. "You're just too good for me." She says taking in a shaky breath. "I'm too good for everyone" I tease making her chuckle a bit which brings a smile to my face. I love her laugh, smile, and her little nose scrunches. I love everything about her. "Can I do something bold?" She asks making me quirk a brow. "You're not going to break my radio are you?" I ask making her smile more. "I thought it was mine" she says with a cheeky smile. "Not if you're about to break it" I say with faux seriousness making us both giggle. "I'm not going to break it" she says. "Ok, but you do know everything you do is bold, right?" I ask and she smiles nodding. "this is going to be the boldest thing I've ever done." She says making me a bit nervous but I nod.

She hesitantly places her hands on my cheeks and takes a step forward. My heart is hammering hard. Is she doing what I think she is? No, Thea, why would she kiss you!? My internal argument gets cut off by the feeling of her lips on mine. I tense for a moment before all thoughts leave my mind but one. My hands wrap around her waist as I pull her into me and kiss her back. Our lips md together perfectly and now all caution is gone as we kiss each other with all our passion. Or at least I'm kissing her with everything I have. All my love. Yes I love her and I can't believe I'm kissing her! When air is needed we pull back slowly and our foreheads rest against each other. "That was..." She starts breathlessly but I cut her off. "Bold" I breath out and our eyes meet. "Was that ok?" She asks vulnerable, making me melt. "More than ok" I whisper kissing her again. I feel her smile against my lips and I pull back matching her smile.

We stand there in each other's arms for a few moments just taking each other in until I get an idea. "Can I do something bold?" I ask her and she smiles at me. "As long as you're not going to break my radio" she says with a huge smile on her face. I chuckle and shake my head. I reach over and turn it on flipping to a particular CD. I turn to her when the song starts to play, a smile on my lips. "Would you like to dance" I ask and she smiles at me nodding. "Ya, but I can't dance" she warns making me laugh. "Me neither" I say and we both laugh at each other. "But we can learn together" I say looking into her hazel eyes. She smiles softly and nods kissing me again. We start to sway to the music laughing and sharing kisses. When the song ends we dance to another not taking our eyes off one another. "Can I say something bold?" She asks and I smile encouraging her. "I love you. I've always loved you, Thea. You've always been there and have been my rock. It just took me awhile to know how much I really love you" she says tears in her eyes. I feel my own eyes water and I pull her closer to me. "I love you too Raven. I've loved you since the first day I shared my rations with you" I say and she smiles. I lean in kissing her and this kiss is different. It's all of our love and my heart flutters at the feeling.

"Stay with me?" She asks as we walk to our rooms. It's early morning and I know no one but the guards are up. That's how Raven and I are though. We spend late nights in her shop talking, joking and tinkering. Well, ge does most of the tinkering. I'm not the mechanic. I know some but not her level. "Ray, you do know we practically share a room ya?" I ask smirking at her. She rolls her eyes nudging me. I gasp and nudg her back gently being mindful of her leg. She smirks and bumps me back but a little too hard and I stumble into the wall falling to the ground with a huff. "Oh my God! Thea are you ok!?" She whisper shouts rushing over to me. I look at her and stay busing out laughing laughing on the ground fully now holding my stomach. I hear her start to giggle then laugh harder sliding to the floor with me. "what is going on out here?" A voice sounds making our heads snap up to meet Abby standing there. "Oh, hey Abby. Why are you up?" Raven asks trying to keep her giggles at bay. "I was just heading to bed. Now why are you both on the ground making a ruckus?" She asks hand on her hip. "Would you believe us if I said the floor tripped us?" I ask and she gives me a 'really' look but Raven giggles a bit making me bite my cheek to stop my laughs from coming out. "Go to bed. Both of you" she says sighing then walking away. We wait a good few seconds and look at each other and burst out in laughter again.

We eventually get up and stumble into Raven's room. We both change and slide into the bed. "Snuggle?" I ask and she smiles scooting over to me and flopping on my front making me groan. "Really?" I ask with a laugh and she shrugs leaning up and kissing me. I smile and stroke my cheek gently. "I love you" I say kissing her again. "Love you too" she says back then snuggling into my chest more. "You're like a little koala" I chuckle and she just clings more to me making me smile. "Night little bird" I whisper kissing her head. "G'night Thee Thee" she mumbles kissing my clothes chest. The ground may be shit but I can't wait to go through it with Raven. I'm going to be bold and say we are definitely going to be a power couple.

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