Ice Heart pt 2 🦝

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Here's the next part.

POV Thea

Yesterday was nice... I have a weird feeling towards Lexa and I don't know how I feel about it, so I push it down. I shouldn't be trusting this early, I was practically sold to her by my mother and she agreed. A rush of anger runs through me and I clench my fists. Be cold. Be emotionalist. Be nothing. I inhale a deep breath before opening my eyes. I had to learn from a young age no one was going to save me. No one was going to love me the way I wanted, so I adapted. I was alone for so long, beaten on orders from my mother. Locked in my room away from everything. She never wanted me. I was a mistake.

I step out of my room only to be met with two guards making my eyes harden. "Princess" one spits out. "Let me out" I say and the other laughs. "We have orders to keep you in the tower. What better way than to lock you in your room" he says and I feel my heart ache. She didn't trust me. She was using me. I would be forced into this bonding and locked away like I once was. I would not be locked away. In one quick movement I slice the first one throat with my daggers and then plunge it into the others neck. I drag their bodies into my room and shut the door moving down the hall without a sound. I was getting out of this before it was too late. 

I weave through the growing crowds in the market trying to find a spot to think of my next move. I spot an alley and slip past a group of men. I let a breath out as I rest my head on the stone wall. Now what? I can't exactly get out, can I? Polis is the heavily guarded, but I heard my mother talk about a passage, but I do not know where that is. I just need to sta hidden and maybe hitch a ride out, but for now I need to blend in, and my hair, skin, and eyes are not helping. I groan and look around, I need a cloke. I can dirty my hair, but I can do nothing for my eyes. How far will that get me? I won't get very far without looking at anyone. I have to try. I rush out of the alley and had to a cloth sand I saw a few rows down. I use the cover of a group of women and snatch a black cloke and wrap it around my body flipping up the hood. I walk to the edge of the market near the stables and climb into the pastor. I find a pit of mud, hopefully not shit. I smear it on my face and neck rubbing it in to make my skin darker then do the same with my hair. I see a staff leaned on the stable and walk over grabbing it. I twirl it a bit gettibuse to it spears were always my favorite then bows. I put my hood back up and walk back out onto the street, using r staff like a walking stick making my appearance elderly. "Have you seen the Azgeda princess?" I hear an turn my head a bit to see a guard asking vender a few feet away from me. I quickly slip behind a booth and onto the other side walking the other direction on a different path.

I'm sat in another alley a few hours later. There are warriors and guards wandering the streets looking for me. I'm screwed. I feel a hand over my mouth and a sharp prick on my back. "You have caused a bit of a stir princess" I hear whispered. "The queen won't be happy to hear you causing such a ruckus. You need to be gaining the commander's trust girl. You are ruining our plans." He hisses makinme pull away from him turning around. "What are you going to do?" I taunt him making him growl a bit. "I'm turning you in. It will be a sign of faith and she will back off of us more giving us space to plan." He says stepping forward. "Good luck with that" I say flipping my staff ready to fight. "You can't beat me girl. I have friends nearby. You won't get out even if you get by me." He says smugly then lunges at me. I smack the staff against his head. I kick to knife from his hands and jab him in the throat making him fall. I jump over him and rush out seeing two warriors rush at me. His men. I run the other way and jump over a cart. I get out of the market and run towards the fields but I get knocked to the ground. I roll over getting up to face three men with swords and the ambassador. "You can't win" he snears and I crack my neck. "Try me" I say an they all run at me. I kick the first one to the ground fast but the next slashes my arm making me grit my teeth. I smack his face and kick his stomach making him huntch over. I jab the staff into his neck hard, impaling him. I turn and hit the other in the gut, and quickly take my dagger out slashing his throat. I turn to see more men and one kicks me down making me goan. He goes to stab me but I roll out of the way and kick his leg making him kneel. I gave my daggers into his leg making him yell out then kick him down hopping up. "We need her alive!" The ambassador yells. Two rush me and I can only block on blade as the other slashes across my cheek making me hiss. I throw my dagger into his chest then jab at the other. I feel a blow to my back and fall to my knees then get kicked in the ribs. I fall to the ground and feel a blade to my throat. "Stop. It's over" the ambassador says then nods to one of the men. He lifts me up by my hair and binds my hands in front of me. A mistake. "Move" he grunts making me growl at him. "Now, now. Tha is not how a princess should behave" the ambassador says as we walk towards the tower.

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