Koala Cuddles🐨

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Hey!!! Ok, so this is the first request! They wanted to be anonymous... Hope this is what you wanted!

Alycia had a long day at work and just wants to cuddle with Thea her girlfriend. The only problem is they are apart and can't...

POV Alycia

UGH! Today was awful. First I woke up late and had to rush to set. No coffee. No breakfast. I didn't sleep well last night or the past few weeks actually. My girlfriend Thea, is on tour. She's big in the music buisness and I couldn't be prouder of her. I love her music and it helps that most of it is about me, making me love her so much more that she writes songs for me. We've been though this before, being away from each other. With me acting and her singing we have a system but the first month is always the hardest. She doesn't get a lot of time since her concerts are back to back and I'm working on FTWD. We are filming in Texas right now, so I don't even get to be in the comfort of our shared home which sucks. I did manage to steal a few hoodies and T-shirts. I also listen to her music and follow her fans' accounts about updates on her. The cast is also really helping me keep my mind off her and keeping me buisy. We really are just one huge family and they all love Thea. Anyway, enough of my gushing, I also broke down in the parking lot. I blame it on sleep depervation and not pathetically missing my girlfirend, A song of hers played on my way over and It was one she wrote about me making me full on sob. That caused me to look like I was high walking onto set and people giving me pitying looks.

It got better somewhat after that though. I went to hair and makeup and Colman was there making me smile and laugh. But just as I thought is was going to start looking up, it didn't. We spend hours on two scenes they just kept making us redo making me agitated. I was trying to keep my cool but this is getting rediculus. It also made us go over lunch making me hangry. I think everyone knew I was having a bad day becasue they steered clear of me for the most part. When we finally got a break I went straight for my trailer just wanting to talk to Thea. When I got there I called her but she didn't answer making me tear up. I was frustrated, tired and sad. I just want to cuddle with Thea and have her hold me. I let my tears fall down my face as I slipped her hoodie over my body. I know I'll have to get my makeup redone but I could care less at this point. I curled up onto my couch and cried to myself. I could feel myself starting to fall alseep but a knock on my door jolts me up and I let a frustrated groan out. Not even caring about how much of a wreck I must look I get up and open my door to see Colman stanfding there with food. "Hey... I know you are having a rough day today so... " He says smiling gently holding up a few burgers and shakes. "You ok, Ally?" He asks making me tear up a bit again. "Oh, come here. It's ok" he says entering my trailer setting down the food and hugging me. "Let it out, I've got you" he says rubbing my back. So, I do. I cry and cry letting out all my pent up saddness. Frustration. And anything else I may be feeling. After what felt like hours I begin to calm down and we sit on the couch. "Here. You need to eat something" he says slidding the food over. I smile weakly and grab the burger, "Thank you Col" I say and he smiles and picks up his own burger. We eat in silence and I already feel better from having Colman here and having eaten finally. "Missing Thea?" He asks after we've finished and I nod sadly. "It's ok. The first month is always to hardest, remeber? She loves you and misses you ok? We all got you girl. I've got you" he says wrapping an arm around me. I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. "Your the best. Thank you" I say gratefully. The day gets a bit better after that but I still just want to cuddle with Thea. I hope she calls tonight, I miss her.

POV Thea

The last few weeks have been so chaotic. I have been doing back to back concerts with a day or two break between locations. I've already been to three states, but I'm excited for the next stop. I'm going to be in Texas for a week! Doing three concerts and the rest of the week I'm going to be staying with Leash. She, of course, does not know this. I made her think I was going to Texas towards the end so I could surprise her. I know how hard the first month is for her, hell it's hard on me too! But, we'll be together soon. We are actually driving there now on the tour bus. I also got all of her cast tickets to the Houston show and made sure they were free by contacting the director. In a few hours I'll get to see my girl.

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