Pick-up Lines🐦

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Thea is a grounder and not accustomed to the Skiakru language, so when a flirty Raven comes along, she gets confused. Raven is pulling out her best flirting tecniques but Thea isn't responding the way she wants which makes her start to lose hope that she doesn't like her. Octavia has been witnessing this and tells Thea about the pick-up lines and what they mean so Thea decides to do something about it. 

POV Thea

"Thea, I need you to go to Arkadia with Octavia. The commander called for me to return to Polis" Indra says coming up to me. "Ok, what will I need to do?" I ask curiously. "They are having some problems with borders and training, I want you to mark their maps with all the clans and borders. Then you and Octavia will help train those idiot soldiers so they aren't so jumpy with those guns" she says huffing making me nod my head. "Yes, Indra. Do we leave tonight?" I ask and she nods patting my shoulder then walking away. I sigh and head to my tent to pack then find Octavia.

"You're going to like it. They may be a bit hostile but most of them are willing to learn. I can show you what we lived in while in space." Octavia says as we ride up the ridge line. We were maybe 10 minutes away from Arkadia and I was a bit nervous since I've never been and it was just the two of us. Indra said it was safe but those sky people love their guns and cause issues for neighboring clans, Trikru especially. We ride in comfortable silence the rest of the way and when we emerge from the tree line my eyes widen a bit seeing a huge metal object on the ground. "Wow" I whisper. "Grounders!" I hear yelled making me frown. "It's ok, come on" Octavia says and I follow her. "It's Octavia! Open the gates!" Octavia yells and I hear someone shout to open the gate. We both hop off our horses as they open and 3 people stand at the opening. I recognize Bellamy and Kane but not the woman. "O!" Bellamy says and hugs his sister. I tense as guns get pulled on me and I grab the hilt of my sword. "Hey! Put the guns down!" Octavia yells and Bellamy turns to protect me too. "Guns down!" Kane yells and they do so making me relax a tiny bit. "Welcome to Arkadia. It's nice to see you again Thea" Kane says holding his arms out for me to shake so I do. "This is Abby and you know Bellamy" he says and I nod towards Abby in greeting. "Octavia can show you where you can stay. We appreciate your help, is Indra not coming?" He asks. "she was called back to polis. I will be here to help anyway I can" I say and he smiles and nods.

We've been here for a few days and I decided to set a tent up rather than sleep near the sky people. I didn't trust them. I had told Octavia I was fine and told her to go and catch up with her people. I started to show Kane, Abby and a few higher soldiers the borders and routes that could be taken for either patrol or going to each clan. Today I was training a few people that wanted to learn but most were stuck up in their weapons and technology. When I got to the training grounds there were a handful ready and the rest were by Kane shooting. "Grab a weapon and show me what you've got" I say twirling my staff around. They were hesitant probably thinking they would hurt me but I've been against many more than them and a lot larger and tougher. They all come at me and for some reason yell which makes me roll my eyes. I swing by staff around and in a couple strikes they are all on the ground. "Don't yell out your next move" I say and swing the staff behind me. "Again!" I yell and they all grab their weapons and get up. This lasted maybe 5 rounds before they gave up. In that time a circle formed and I saw Octavia smiling at me amused at them being beaten by me. "You can't be that hard to beat. You're a girl" one of the guards says and a few laugh around him. "Grab a weapon" I say raising an eyebrow. He laughs and his friends push him to and he picks up a sword. I set my staff down and stand still. "To make it easy" I say smirking making him growl at me then lunge clumsily making me roll my eyes. I end this foolishness quickly by grabbing his sword and elbowing him in the face knocking him on the ground. I toss the sword to the side and look at him. "You're right. It was easy" I say and smirk and Octavia making her laugh as I walk away grabbing my staff as I go. The rest of the day was uneventful but I was told by Kane he could use my help with a few things tomorrow so I decided to head into my tent for the rest of the night and sleep.

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