Ice Heart 🦝

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Thea is the queens daughter given to Lexa to bond with as a sign of peace when Azgeda joins to coalition. Thea has been taught Lexa is bad but her feelings start to grow conflicting with her teachings. But the queen has other ideas and wants Lexa dead.

POV Thea

"It's done, Thea. I've made the deal. I'm your queen and mother. What I say goes. You play an important part in this, we aren't giving up. I'm using you to get what I want, now be a good girl and pack" Nia said and I turned with a clenched jaw and stormed out of the throne room. I should probably introduce myself. I'm Thea kom Azgeda and I'm the unfortunate daughter of Queen Nia. I hate my mother, so much. She's never hurt me per say... She's hot me a few times but it's mainly verbal abuse she dishes out. She needs everyone at a lower level then herself. Even her own daughter. She's never wanted me, always tells me so. I long to leave this icey place but she's made that impossible to do so. For my brother and I. I mean I'm only 17 and I'm being forced into a marriage with the commander. At least she's not old... Only 19 I believe. All I know is I'm going to make everyone's life miserable.

"Thea?" A voice calls that makes me look up seeing my brother Roan. "I'm sorry. I tried to talk her out of it but..." He says sadly and I nod. "She's a stubborn bitch" I spit out and he chuckles a bit. "Ya" he says. "Are you ready? Nia is going to send two guards with you" he says and I scoff. "What do I don't ruin her plan of her using me?' I say and he sighs. "Look, I know it's not ideal" he starts and I give him a really look. "but you've never been happy here. And because of her we can't leave without being killed ourselves, so enjoy it. That freedom. I know it sucks. I know, I wish I could take the pain she has caused but I can't. This is the best thing" he says and I nod looking down. "I love you" he says and hugs me tight. "I love you too" I whisper and he walks away.

"Remember, I will have the ambassador watching. He'll tell you what to do when it's time. But for now, gain her trust. Make her fall in love with you. Do whatever's it takes to get close to her. You will not fail me child" she says harshly gripping my chin. "Yes mother" I say and she smiles pulling away. I watch her walk away without another glance leaving me on my own with a small bag of all my things and two guards. I don't allow my tears to fall, that's weakness Thea. You aren't weak. I look back as we cross the bridge line one last time and watch the castle fade before my eyes.

5 days we traveled. We have a cress from the commander so I don't get myself killed going through Trikru territory, but I can fell them watching me. We finally reach the gate of the capital. It's beautiful, the tower is beautiful, but I don't let it show on my face. I keep my face blank, hidden. I'm wearing hood and cloth over my lower face. Only my cold blue eyes piercing anyone who dares to look at them. The gate opens and a group of guards surround us. "Princess Thea kom Azgeda" one states and I nod pulling out the cress and he takes it. I see my guards turn and leave making me clench my jaw in anger. One tries to help me off my horse but I slap his hand away and glare at him making him gulp. I hop off my horse and sling my bag over my shoulder, taking my dagger Roan gave me and putting it in my belt. "I can take your things princess" one says and I raise an eyebrow. "I would rather you not. Show me to my cage" I say making me glance around at each other. "This way. The commander is waiting" the one in charge says. I scoff, she couldn't even greet me. Great first impression. I mean... Nia didn't give her a great image but still.

"Commander, princess Thea kom Azgeda" the guard says as we enter what I assume is the throne room. I see a few guards standing beside her throne, a bald headed man and, great the Azgeda ambassador. She sits on her throne looking stoic. I have to admit she is beautiful but I won't linger on that. This is basically kidnapping and forcing me against my will to marry her. She agreed to this, she at least had a choice and knew about it. "Thea. Be respectful and take that hood and mask off" the Azgeda ambassador, Novak says harshly. I glare at him. "Make me" I sass and I notice a few and the commander looking amused. "that mouth of yours is going to land you in touble one day. Your mother should have been more stricter in her punishment on you." He says gripping my arm. "Let go or I'll break your hand" I say and he does afraid. Good. I face the commander and give her a bored look and sigh before pushing my hood down and taking my mask off. "commander" I say without emotion. I see slight surprise in her face. I watch her scan my face almost like she thought I would be scarred and ugly or something. Insulting. "Princess" she finally said meeting my cold eyes. "I will have someone show you to your room. I'm assuming Nia told you what is going to happen?" She asks and I scoff lightly. "if you mean telling me the day I had to leave she was sending me away to be your prisoner then yes, yes she did tell me commander" I say with a bite. "Watch your tongue" the bald man says stepping forward a bit. I tilt my head giving him a bored look. "You want to cut it out? Be my guest" I say and he furrows his brows and steps back in his original place. "If it makes no difference to you, I would like to go to my cell." I say looking back at the commander. She has a sad almost pitying look making me angry. "You are not my prisoner Thea. I am sorry Nis didn't inform you of our agreement. I won't force you into this, you are allowed to leave." She says with a gentler tone making me confused. She's just playing you Thea. Trying to gain your trust. She doesn't care about you, your a means to an end. She wants Azgeda gone. She wants Nia dead. She doesn't care what happens to you. "you and I both know Nia won't allow that. You don't want war, so I do have to do this, I will not let Nia kill anyone else." I say and she nods. "Indra, take her to her room. I will let you settle and goem for you at dinner. I'll explain what will happen then" she says and I nod and glance at a dark skinned warrior who looks less than pleased to being doing this. Novak clears his throat and I sigh rolling my eyes. "Thank you, commander" I say bowing dramatically. I see a small tick to her lips but she schools her face quickly. "Princess" she says nodding and I follow Indra out.

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