Stable Hand 🦝

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Thea works in the stables tending to the horses. She has grown up there and when her mother died her father kept it going but Thea ran it mainly as her father was a warrior for the commander. When she is 18 and alone for years just with her horses and odd thing happens, lexa, the commander shows up and keeps showing up. They get close over a few months but what will that lead to?

POV Thea

There's nothing more peaceful then being in a vast wide feild. Grass, a stream down running through it, but most of all the horses that lives there. They're such odd creatures really. Intelligent, gentle. They can sense when you are scared, nervous, excited. I've spent all my life living with horses. I have a small little shack on the pasture so I really don't need anything else. I have a small feild of crops and water. I go into the capital ever week though to sell my access crops and buy items I need but over all I keep to myself. Before my father passed fighting for the last commander I would be in Polis all the time. The people there seemed to love me and they always are over joyed when I do come. My roll is kinda important I like to think. I tend to the horses, the commander's horse. Train them, keep them clean and fed. Tip top shape. I've never met the new commander only seen her from afar. I usually only deal with Gustus her top guard or some other guard she sends to get her horse. Indra comes some too. She actually new my father and I've grown up around her. She checks on me once and awhile to make sure I'm not dead or something. Other then being the horse lady I have a reputation for being kind, caring, helping... Weak. I can see it on their faces, they think I can't protect myself. They're so wrong. My father trained me since I could walk and when he passed Indra would come by and train me still. I've mastered the bow and I'm pretty good with daggers too. Anyway, I'm about to run some training exercises with the commanders horse, Phoebe. She's a beautiful creature and the smartest horse I've ever taken care of. I was told the commander wasn't in need of her horse so today was a great day to train her. Someone has to keep them sharp and in shape. I started with some light warmups and trots. Then moved to footwork and direction changes. I always feel at ease on a horse which is odd because most are not comfortable on them. They can be unpredictable but you just have to know how to handle them. I trot Phoebe to the stakes I've set up and start jumping and weaving through the makeshift course. I have a huge smile on my face but as I'm turning to do the final sprint I feel eyes on me and glance to the fence. My blood runs cold and eyes wide as the commander stands leaning against the fence watching me. I gulp and calm down not to startle Phoebe and do the final sprint. We end a few places I front of the commander and I hop off quickly. "Um... Com..commander wha..what can I do for you?" I stutter out, cringing at how I sound. She just looks at me making me gulp and start to ramble. "Um, I'm sorry I was told by Gustus you weren't in need of your horse today...I..I was just running a few drills but uh... I can get her ready..." I rush out but stop when I hear her chuckle which confuses me. "Gustus was true, I do not need my horse. I was just walking around and saw you riding. I was intrigued so I came over... I hope I didn't disturb you" she says the last part genuinely concerned which makes me even more confused. "Uh, no. No you are the commander you can do as you like" I say unsure. "Lexa" she says making me furrow my brows. She smes a bit, "you can call me Lexa. It's just the two of us" she says and I hum but I'm definitely not calling her by her name. I don't feel like getting my hand cut off. "Why do you train them?" She asks me walking up to her horse and petting her. "Uh... Well someone needs to keep the horses at their best. I need to make sure the commander and her army have the best horses. If your horse is weak or has no control it can cause a slip up or get someone hurt. You need to be able to rely and trust them" I say softly smiling as I put Phoebe's mane. Lexa looks at me and smiles. "I never really thought about the work that gets put in... Thank you" she says with again shocks and confuses me. "It's the least I can do Heda. You have a lot more pressing things to worry about then horses" I say but she doesn't look like she agrees but says nothing. "Could you show me some more? It seems peaceful here" she says and I nod hesitantly looking around. "Um... Are your guards near or..." I trail off but she shakes her head. "They know where I am. I'll be fine in your hands" she says and I raise an eyebrow. "Right" I mumble but I think she hears me by the crease in her brows. We spend the rest of the day with me showing her around the pasture and barn untill she gets called away to continue her duties. It was odd but she seems nice. I just finished up my work and shrugged it off as a one off.

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