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Today was the day, I was going to meet my new team. This time it's different on my first day with X1 I already knew them all from Produce x 101. This time I only knew three, and the company said I couldn't know who the other members were!

I didn't understand as to why. Why, couldn't I knew who I debuting with beforehand? Were they filming a video? Were other Produce x 101 trainees there and they wanted it to be a surprise?

The thoughts were pushed out of my head quickly as Wonjin approached where we were sitting. The company choose him to lead us to the dance room.

"Jinnie!" Hyeongjun ran to him smiling. He was really close to Wonjin on the show while I stayed with Jungmo. I hugged Wonjin after Hyeongjun let go. "Do you wanna go right away?" He asked.

Hyeongjun agreed immediately bringing all eyes to me. "Yeah, yeah that's fine" I spoke. "Then follow me!" He cheered happily.

I watched and read every door as we passed by. I was looking for the one labeled 'Cravity'.

I just wanted to know. My anxiety was acting up not knowing.

A million thoughts filled my head. I didn't want any of them. They were all bad and annoying, but one was the worst pushing past the rest.

It was about him, Koo Jungmo. I'd always wanted to debut with him and finally had a chance! I had one before but due to eliminateshins it was lost. It stung my heart.

I was so strung upon the hope I didn't know what I'd do if he wasn't. I'm sure I'd grow to love my members dearly, but they wouldn't be him.

Jungmo and me had grown extremely close on the stage. Fans saw it, trainees even saw it. There were probably hundreds of edits of us. Of our last hug. I held him tight to my chest and didn't let go for a solid two minutes.

We'd grown separate after my debut with X1. I wish we didn't that would make me feel better for not being able to debut with him.

"Here!" Wonjin spoke loudly. I was so deep into my thoughts I forgot what I was doing in the moment.

I looked at them both closely. "Okay, neither of you need to come in until you feel ready. I know the members don't and won't care." Wonjin spoke softly now.

He left us there in the hallway. "You go ahead I'll just wait out here to calm down. I need to call my mom actually I was supposed to earlier" I told Hyeonjun. "Okay, Hyung" he left knowing I wanted him to go in.

I leaned against the wall pulling out my phone. I pulled up the contacts and found my mom's number.

I hung up after saying 'I love you'. I was about to go in but I heard fast moving footsteps. Not running just quickly walking. I froze as the person turned the corner.

I didn't realize I wrote the rest of the chapter in italics until five days later. I'm sorry if it bothers you but I don't really feel like rewriting it as it took I while in the first place.

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