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I stared at the boy below me. His body was still tightly pressed against mine.

It felt like he was actually mine. All mine. He wasn't but I knew he would be, soon. I would make him mine.

I know he felt similarly. The way his face flushed, his actions, showed this clearly.

"Mmm, I'm gonna go back to the room" I didn't really give much of an option as I pulled him with me.

I held his hand as I closed the door. "Hmm" he made a questioning noice. I just pressed his back against the door as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"I wasn't lieing, earlier I really did want to" I spoke truthfully. "I-" I cut him off. "It's fine if you didn't but-" he cut me off this time.

"I did Mini, I did" he smiled as my head was at his level now. "Really?" I looked him in the eyes. He just nodded.

"Then may I?" I raised his head up with two fingers. "Mhm" he just smiled slightly. I pulled him closer looking him in the eyes before I closed the distance completely.

Neither of us moved. I pulled away. I could taste his strawberry chapstick. "Should I stop" I asked softly. "No" he pulled me back in.

I moved this time, I kept in slow until he kissed back. I felt his arm wrap around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist pulled him slightly away front he door.

My heart raced in my chest. It was finally happening. After the year apart and the months together before, I was finally kissing him. Koo Jungmo.

When we parted I just look him in the eyes. "Mmm, does this mean your my boyfriend" I asked maintaining eye contact. "Totally" he smiled pecking me on the lips before sliding past me.

I just followed behind him. I sat down and pulled his body between my legs.

"Now, you Koo Jungmo, your mine" I pulled his head to face me. "Mhm, that means you Kang Minhee, your mine, as well" he again pecked my lips before turning his head back straight.

"Definitely" I placed a soft kiss on his head before resting my head on his shoulder. "Hmm, should we tell the other members?" He rested his head against mine.

"Later~they already have their guesses. They'll figure it out soon enough" I made him smile.

"Okay" he took both of my hands and wrapped them around his waist. I felt him play with my fingers.

"Your so cute Baby" I nuzzled my head into his neck. "Mhm! You are too Mini" he picked my hand up and pecked the back of it.

"Mmm, don't kiss my hand kiss me properly" I whined picking my head up.

He turned his head to me. He stay silent but pecked my lips quickly. I just pulled him back. It was gentle but we kept it for a pretty long period before parting.

Your mine|Kang Minhee x Koo Jungmo|Where stories live. Discover now