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"Are you ready to go?" I asked. Jungmo was changing into his dance clothes.

Today, we were practicing our debut songs. 'Adrenaline' and 'Party Rock' both really good songs.

"Yep!" He came out giving me a high before we left the room.

"Okay! Everyone is ready let's go!" Serim cheered. He led us like a boy scout leader.

"MoMo! Sit with us!" Hyeonjun shouted to Jungmo. I just followed him. Him and Wonjin were sitting in the back so I sat next to Jungmo.

"We're here" the driver shouted. We'd arrived at the company building.

"Wake Up!" Jungmo shook me violently as Wonjin laughed. "I'm awake Baby! The driver's voice is very loud" I used his hand to stand up straight.

"Baby? Why do you call him Baby?" Seongmin seemed to be the only one that noticed. "Because he's cute" I answered walking past them still holding Jungmo's hand.

"Umm?" Seongmin questioned. "I don't think we'll ever know" Wonjin followed after us.

"Hurry Up!" Woobin called far ahead. "Coming" Jungmo dropped my hand to catch up with the boy.

"Rude" I muttered. I stayed behind with Hyeonjun and Taeyoung.

"Haha! He left you" Wonjin stuck his tongue out to tease me. "Shut up! You and Hyeonjun are clinged at the hips you'd die if he left you" I fought back mirroring his actions.

"That's because he's my boyfriend" he said. He'd somehow hadn't outta he pieces together, like the other members, that me and Jungmo were dating.

"So?" I asked. "We're allowed to be clingy! You're just friends with Jungmo" at this put Taeyoung sped up next to Allen.

"You don't know that!" I fought back with the boy. "Are you not just friends?!" He shouted this louder.

Getting everyone's attention. I glanced at Jungmo. He didn't seem mad, he was laughing.

"Well I didn't say that!"I could tell the other members were confused. "If you're not friends and not enemies! You have to be dating"he did have the logic down.

The members came towards us. "Who are you talking about" Allen was ignored.

"Are you?!" Wonjin now had a smile on his face. "Maybe..." I smirked at the boy. "You are!" I just nodded keeping the smirk.

"Your dating who?!" Woobin now asked. "Jungmo!" Wonjin ran towards the mentiones boy shaking him.

"Jungmo?!" Woobin repeated. Wonjin hugged Jungmo,probably scolding him for not telling him.

"Mmm, now that you know... Hands off" I took Wonjin's hands off his body. "Go hug your boyfriend" I followed my last statement. Wonjin just listened.

The members continued to the studio. "Mmm, I don't even know what just happened" I chuckled hugging Jungmo.

"Yeah, me either" he laughed. I ruffled his hair, intertwining our fingers before heading towards the studio.

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