Takeshi Shigaraki

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"Nezu, you wanted to see me?" Takeshi said walking into his office.

"Come sit."

Takeshi sat across from the principal of UA, saying "Let's not beat around the bush here Nezu."

The principal nodded, handing him a file.

"Recently, there's been a gang of villains going around. Intel suggests that they may be planning an attack, unfortunately, we don't know where and who's the leader."

"I'll put my group together. We'll depart later today."


Takeshi's hero outfit was a long black jacket (kinda like Dabi's), black ripped jeans made with a special material, black leather gloves with padded knuckles, and the ends of the fingers are red. He made the decision to never wear a face mask, but if need be, he made sure to bring a few gas mask with him.

He touched near his ear, and said "This is Shrapnel, entering the warehouse now."

He walked into the building, looking around.... Then he heard guns cocking. He turned to see around a dozen people aiming guns at him.


"Guys, you really don't wanna do this, trust me."



"Let me out...."

Takeshi sighed and said "Akio, mask!"

White shards of armour surrounded him, cutting apart his attackers (NO MURDER), leaving them to fall to the ground. All his armour went back into him, and he touched near his ear.

"Xiao, what's the hold up?!"

A male voice responded, saying "What the heck do you think I've been doing?! These villains have interesting quirks, give me a moment to work around them!"

A raven haired teen ran out, almond skin hidden in black body armour. Green eyes searched around before he held out his arm, vines sprouting from it. He crouched to touch the floor, letting his quirk run around and restrain the villains.

"And that's Overgrowth in the field Shrapnel!"

(Xiao Yang

Quirk: Flora

He can create and control plants at will, but it tires him out and he's weaker at night!)

Xiao let out a breath, looking up to see some villains with flight quirks.

"Lunar, we need you in the sky!"

A female voice responded "You've got it!"

Purple eyes turned sharp with slit pupils, short purple bangs following behind. Pale skin went through the sky as dark purple, close to black, tech bat wings soared through the air. She wore armour padding on her arms, legs, and neck, with a purple visor over her eyes.

She took a deep breath, signing for the other two "Cover your ears!"

The two nodded, putting on special headphones that blocked out sound. She let out a screech, the villains all falling to the ground. One of them aimed a gun at her, but as he was about to fire the tech of her wings spread to the rest of her skin and body, and she became invisible.

(Luna Sonura

Quirk: Techno Bat

She produces a type of nanotech from her back, allowing her to not only for wings, but also use all the abilities of a bat and have more advanced moves!)

She grabbed their wrist, a snap sounding through the air. She pulled back, profusely apologizing.

Xiao went over to her saying "Calm down, your introvert side is showing. Where's Takeshi?"

Said teen walked over, white armour shards with red through them in a straight line, branching out at the sides like red veins, surrounding the neck of the villain he held.

"Tell them what you told- ack-"

He dropped the villain, gripping into his arm as they saw a bruise form.

"That's a nasty bruise, you alright?" Xiao said taking a vial out.

He rubbed some ointment on the bruise as the villain said "We had our orders, can't we work something out?"

Luna glared at him, her wings spreading behind her. She grabbed him, flying straight up.

"I'm fine, a villain caught me with my guard down. Akio watched my back though."

"Speaking of Akio, when are you gonna let your old man know about her?" Xiao questioned.

".... It's my quirk, not his. If he wants to be involved then he can go suck one."

Luna dropped down next to them, releasing villain and she said "Alrighty, it looks like the villains got their orders from a suspicious third party. I can only say for certain that they have an intended target. Now we just have to figure out where!"

Takeshi sighs and says "Easier said than done. How do we figure out who the boss is?"

They both look towards him, and he immediately catches it.

".... I like that idea."


*At pro hero Mindjack's agency*

"No Denki, this case won't effect my hero work.... Yeah alright, see ya later. Tell Kyoka I said hi."

He hung up, turning around to see Luna.

"Sonura, what are you doing here?"

Sonura poked the.ends of her fingers together and said "Ha ha.... I need some stealth lessons...."

Mindjack smiled, saying "I'm glad to see you taking your training seriously. Come on, I reworked some of the things in the training station a while back...."

His eyes shone and he pulled out an energy drink.

"Wanna help me test one of Hatsume's 'super dummies'.... Or will you chicken out?"

She smirked, saying "Your on Mindjack!"

The two walked off.... And the two boys came out of their hiding place.

"Alright, we're looking for a file, and remember to keep quiet!" Takeshi said to Xiao.

He nodded, the two going through the hero's stuff. A few minutes in the heard a thump, whipping their heads around to see nothing.

".... We should speed this up." Xiao said.

They heard something whistle through the air, as a purple blade with electricity sparking off of it lit up. They turned their heads, seeing someone wearing all black swung at them. Takeshi put up his arm, his quirk moving to block the blade only for it to go straight through.

"Careful Shrapnel! That blade, I don't know what it's made of, but it just went straight through your quirk!"

The villain turned their head, seeing a particular file. They grabbed it, Takeshi using his quirk to get behind them. For a brief moment, their mask slid off, revealing a feminine face.

He hesitated.

He regretted it.

The villain jumped out the window, using whatever quirk they had to rocket to the next building over.

"Ah well that's just great! They got away!" Takeshi said with a glare.

"I feel like we're forgetting something...."

Capture scarf wrapped around the two second years, and they both froze as a pissed off voice said:

"We have got a lot to talk about.... Takeshi Shigaraki, Xiao Yang, and Luna Sonura, you three are coming the fuck with me."

Shinso never cussed....

They're fucked.

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