Sports Festival pt5

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"Deku! Icyhot! Quirk Vault!" Bakugo shouted walking down the hall.

The three heroes paused, giving him their attention.

"Kachaan, you need something?" Midoriya said.

"Our brats are reaching the final hurdles, and you know what that means!" He began saying.

Todoroki nodded, saying "We'll have to prepare for internships soon. Do you guys have any ideas on who you'll pick?"

Rai sighed, saying "Before we do that, there's something we should discuss...."

He looked away from them for a moment, before saying "I think.... I think that Umi's developing All For One."

They all turned directly towards him, and Midoriya said "Now?! Wouldn't the quirk have manifested sooner?!"

Todoroki put a inland on his chin, saying "It might have to do with the fact she's in her teenage years. Like her quirks version of going through puberty."

Bakugo scoffed, saying "So she's developing All For One, so what? You worried or some boring shit like that?"

Rai glared at him, saying "It's not that.... Keep this on the down low, but my replacement sperm donors were spotted a few weeks back."

"You mean the Fukuda's?" Todoroki questioned.

"Yes Shoto, I mean the Fukuda's."

"Well how do we go about this, we can't exactly announce this to the public...." Midoriya said.

"Of course not you damn Deku! That'd cause widespread panic, especially after the USJ incident! So, Di-Knight, what do you suggest we do?" Bakugo said.

".... I think it's time for a class reunion."


"We're at the semifinals, let's get on with it! For these last few events, we'll have a different hero up here, give it up foooor-"

Yellow smoke bombs went of, sparks going through them.

"CHARGEBOLT!" Pinky yelled.

Chargebolt took the mic, shooing her away.

"Alright, for these next few matches, we have:

Aia Shinso!

Haru Bakugo!

Sachi Chisake!

And Reiji Todoroki!

The fights will be Sachi Chisake vs Aia Shinso, and Reiji Todoroki vs Haru Bakugo!"


"The first match of the semifinals, Sachi Chisake vs Aia Shinso!" Chargebolt yelled.

Once the signal was given, Sachi touched the ground, making pillars of it head towards Aia.

"You should try harder, Chisake!"

Aia jumped onto one of the pillars, letting it carry her for a moment. She then put her hands around her mouth taking a deep breath.

'This one's for you Grandpa Mic!' She thought.

"YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, the sound traveling through to Sachi.

Sachi covered her ears in pain, trying to resist the sound.


A thud was heard, Chargebolt saying "Sachi Chisake is down, AIA SHINSO WINS!"


"The second and final match of the semifinals, Reiji Todoroki vs Haru Bakugo!"

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