S2 Unexpected Issues

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The word was simple, yet it still struck Haru Bakugo with a new feeling.


"What do you mean 'no'?! You're the number two hero, surely you can afford to teach your own son!"

".... Haru Elizabeth Bakugo, my answer, is no. I won't take you on, which is precisely the reason why I didn't send you a request for your internship!"

Haru finally lost his patience, yelling "WHY?!"

Katsuki glared at him. Haru froze. Now, it should be known that Katsuki Bakugo glares a lot. And he has a serious case of resting bitch face. But he has two glares.... And right now, he was glaring at Haru as if he's a villain, and Haru knows it.

"You think you're all tough, is that it? News flash, you're not. You couldn't even beat that Shinso kid in a fight, and you seriously expect me to teach you moves that would destroy your arms?... I won't allow it."

Haru huffed, turning to walk away.


He stopped.

"I could recommend you to a hero who also requested to work with you. He's one of the ones that Di-Knight was able to save during the-.... His name is Best Jeanist. Go to him, he's the one who taught me what it means to not just be a hero."


"What's the matter Bakudude?" Eijika questioned as Haru tapped his pencil on his desk.

"My old man's refusing to take me for internships, the bastard! He thinks I'm not strong enough to handle basic stuff like his moves...."

Jana stared, saying "Well.... You mentioned that he sent you to Best Jeanist, right? If it's your strength he's worried about, why not send you to work under someone like the number 4 hero Di-Knight?"

Haru scoffed, saying "I already thought of that! It makes no sense, our quirks don't even line up right! Why not send me to someone who can actually teach me something?!"

"Well, take Red Riot for example. My dad did most of his hero work and worked part-time with the hero Fatgum. Both their quirks didn't seem compatible, and yet they went well together. Maybe your dad's thinking of this from an objective standpoint." Eijika explained.

It made sense.... But why not him?


"Alright class, today you'll be going to your internships. They'll last for a week, so I hope you packed enough to last that long...."

Once the students started going, Aizawa called over Haru.

"You wanted to see me caterpillar?"

"I heard you were going to work with Best Jeanist, is that right? Must be exciting, going to the place of work of an elite hero."

Haru just stared at the floor, not responding.

".... You know Bakugo, Katsuki was just like you."

His eyes shifted at that. Dynamite, like him?

"You want to know why your father rejected you? Think of how you two as people are alike."

Haru nodded walking to bored his train.

"And Haru...."

He looked out of the corner of his eye.

"Katsuki may be hard on you, be he only wishes to prevent the way things happened during the 3rd Quirk War."

As the doors closed, his eyes widened in shock. He'd only heard small stuff about Quirk War 3, but even then it was all hush hush.

'My old man.... Was in the war?' He thought to himself.


"Katsuki! We need to speak, NOW!" Ochaco said grabbing him and pulling the hero into his office.

"What's the matter Cheeks-"

"Why did you refuse Haru's request?!"

Katsuki smirked, a smug look on his face.

".... Why do you seem so smug? What did you do Katsuki?"

"Chaco, Chaco, Chaco. Sweet, innocent, Ochaco. Haru's grown up too much for us to keep coddling him.... I sent him to Best Jeanist!"

"Pfffttt- Katsuki! You really want him to come back with a Jeanist haircut?!"

"Tch, the brat needs to learn that brute strength doesn't mean power.... It takes more than that, and I'm confident that Jeanist will beat it into him if he has to! Besides...."

Katsuki took a sip of a drink.

"It was part of our bet."

Ochaco perked up at that.

"Oh, what bet?"

"We made a bet on if he could straighten Haru out.... If he wins he gets to design all my suits for the next week, and I have to wear every. Single. One."

He shivered a bit, grimacing at the thought of wearing Best Jeanist styled outfits all week.

"And what if he loses?"

"If he loses, then.... He has to go with my hairstyle for the same amount of time!"

"Well then.... I guess we should hope Haru makes some kind of improvement."


*In downtown Hosu*

"Why are we here, Chargebolt?" A voice asked.

"Well Dabi, we've been getting reports of illegal experiments on people down this way. Deku asked if we could check it out, so we might as well. Speaking of which, how's that cooling agent in your suit doing?"

Dabi smirked, lighting his hair on fire in the shape of a Mohawk.

"Like a pro."

The two heard a clang, running over to see a young boy, his wrist being gripped by someone in a lab coat.

"You brat! Do you know how much valuable time we've wasted chasing you around?!" The man scolded.


The man looked up, seeing Dabi glare at him.

"Is there a problem here sir?" Chargebolt asked.

He looked in between the boy and the man in the lab coat, immediately recognizing the look on his face.

It was the same as Eri's.

Dabi glared, saying "Hey kid.... Is this guy bothering you?"

The boy looked down, avoiding eye contact.

"Back off heroes, this has nothing to do with you!" The man sneered.

The boy suddenly reached for his chest, breathing quickly. Both Dabi and Chargebolt sensed something was wrong, backing away.


"I see it Dabi...."

The kid released a horrifying scream, blood flushing from his eyes....

Hold on, that's not blood.

Dabi and him froze, feeling as though they were looking at pure hatred. The demonic red energy wrapped around him, thick red tentacles coming out of his back as his eyes and mouth glowed white. And the final touch, the black half of a ying and yang symbol appeared on his head.

The man smiled, saying "Finally! Now Inei, do as you're told and annihilate them!"

The boy merely growled at him, a tentacle swinging and knocking him out cold. He glared at the heroes, before he suddenly disappeared slowly from view.



The silence was unnerving, until Chargebolt screamed "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

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