Chapter 3

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I'm lost for words, I can't even move. Me seeing him again in the flesh. If I will be honest to myself, God knows how I missed him so much. I wanted to run to him and hug him just like before. But I need to create a facade. I need to put a wall. I need to remember the reason why I left. This guy never loved me and will never ever do. After looking at his hand extending for a handshake. I extend my hand to meet it. I was surprised when he pull me close in for a hug. 'What the freaking fuck he is hugging me.'

I did not waste a minute once he extended his hand I pulled him for a hug. Though he did not hug me back but I took the chance to hug him as tight as possible and nestled my nose in his neck just like I always do before. "I missed you so much Non. You just don't know how I longed for this day to come."
Nanon tried to escape from the hug
"Uhmm this is too tight I can't breathe and somebody might see us and might mistook this a different way."
"Five more minutes please I missed you so much Non. We have a lot of things to talk about. Why did you suddenly leave me? I have been trying to look for you but you seem to want to vanish and leave me with nothing."
"Hey your five minutes is up."
Nanon pushed me and backed out so he can evade my hug. 'He indeed is very distant now.'
"Okay so you are the CEO so what is the deal. Did you promote me because you know me or because we have been friends before? If that is the case I will decline the position."
"No! definitely not the reason. I do know that you have work so hard and of all managers you have the most records of achievement and I know you will be helpful being the new CFO. I need your help to grow this company. Just like the old times Non. You and me."
"Do I have any freaking choice... You guys made me sign up the contract before you even show yourself. A pretty sneaky trick right."
"What do I have the feeling of you avoiding me Non? I know we have a lot of things to talk about.. about us I want to start everything with you. Please give me another chance. Let us go back to how we use to be please. I promise I will do everything to make you happy."
"Wait, we can work but regarding your request not sure if that is possible. Also, there is nothing we need to talk about. You already showed me in broad daylight what am I to you."
"Non I know I messed up big time before but I'm here to correct everything."
"Okay let us just start working and just remain professional. Okay I will go ahead I have someone waiting for me."
"Can I invite you for lunch?"
"Don't bother Sir I already have a lunch date."
I was lost for words.. I can't say anything else. I would like to know who is his lunch date be. I reached out my phone and dialed Drake.
"Drake, can you do me a favor?"
"What now again Ohm..."
"I just met Non and he's too cold and seemed distant. Does your boyfriend mention anything? I know Wai and Non has been friends for like forever. Please help me."
"Dude I cannot talk here now Wai is here but meet me later. I pity you so much so I will end your dilemma and tell you what I know based on what Wai told me."
"Dude thanks so much. This means a lot. See you later same place."
I will definitely find what really happen.

As I exit the lift to the ground floor Dew approached me. "Love why the long face."
"Guess who is the CEO of this company?"
"Is he giving you a hard time time love?"
"No, not at all but he is someone I have been avoiding for a long time."
"You mean... Ohm is the new CEO?"
I answered with a heavy sigh. 'Gosh pull yourself Nanon. Never fall for him again. You have Dew who loves you and will never hurt you ever."

I followed Non going down and saw everything. Damn this really hurts a lot. 'Dew you son of a bitch. Why did you took away my Non.'
I dialed a number.
"Hello. You are really a piece of shit. What have you done? I will make sure to take back what is mine."

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