Chapter 5

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After leaving Ohm's office. ai was dawned off the reality that he really wasn't mine to begin with. But, I did really love him but I love my family more. I know what will happen if I choose my heart. I took out my phone and sent a message to Nanon.
"Non, let us meet at your pad after office."
This morning was one of the best day ever since we have been together. I really love Nanon so much but I know until now his heart is still with Ohm.
I went to Nanon's pad and prepared my things to pack my bags and other stuff. While clearing out my side table I held on Nanon's picture which I took last time we went to Phuket. He was playing with sparklers that time and his smile is so lovely that I cannot help but capture even just a part of it.
"I love you Nanon but I need to give you back to your rightful owner."
I put back the picture and set up the table since Nanon will be home soon.

Once I opened the door I could smell the baked salmon that Dew prepared. "Love I'm home. Is the food ready I'm starving."
I saw Dew bringing out the plates and setting them on the table. "Yes please sit down. I will just need to grab something to drink."
I settled and checked on the foods. On my way to the kitchen I can see luggages more than I expected. Then I scan the living room, his things were not in the same place anymore. His collections and journals in the coffee table were not there anymore. "Nanon, let us eat food is ready."
"What are these? Seems like you packed all your stuff. Seems like you won't come back anymore?"
I can't think of reasons why. 'We did not argue and all but what's this'
Dew tried to reach my hands but I back away. "Nanon please I need to explain things to you. Please listen to me Non."
"Since earlier I noticed you don't call me love anymore. Why the suddenly change huh."
"You know I love you so much. How I really value you a lot. I need to tell you something can we sit down first."
I can guess what he wanted to tell me that he is ending this but I cannot really understand the reason behind it.
"Nanon, I have not been honest to you for the past years. I have one task before. It is to find you and tell you what happen to Ohm. That he is looking for you. That he met an accident when he is on his way to see you."
"Wait what? Ohm was in an accident."
"When you left Non, Ohm was really devastated and realized how he really loves you. He has been looking for you in places and even begged your friends to tell him where you are but he has not given any information and all. When Ohm heard that you were seen in Changmai he was on his way to the airport to catch a flight to see you but he met an accident that almost cause his life. He was in coma for a month and whe. He woke up he cannot walk at all and we're told that he has low chances for regaining the ability to walk again but since he wanted to look and be with you again he was able to walk after months and months of therapy. Ohm and I have been friends or almost like a brother to me. I was raised in the same household since my father and mother has been their employee for a long time. Since he trust me the most, he asked me to look for you and to tell you that he tried to find you and will be with you soon but when I met you I fell in love with you at first sight. I was able to forget my mission of bringing you back to Ohm. Due to my selfishness I steal your heart from it's rightful owner. Non, God knows I really love you but after seeing Ohm again I was reminded again that I betrayed a family and I cannot forgive myself for that. My love for you is not enough to turn my back from my family Non. That is why I wish to end this, end what we have now. As much as I wanted to keep you I cannot. Ohm loves you so much Non."
'Ohm has been looking for me, Ohm loves me.' I was not even sad knowing I am loosing Dew. Truth be told until now I still have not developed or loved him. I do care for him and tried to have this relationship work but I have not reached the fall in love stage. My heart is still belongs to Ohm and Ohm alone.
"Non please talk to me please don't get mad."
"Dew I understand, I'm not mad at all. I know you family first right?"
"Non, please don't be mad at me.  I still love you but I know someone loves you more than I can. I need to say goodbye now. Thank you for everything. I know you tried to love me back but I still know who owns your heart until now."
I just hugged Dew, thru the past years Dew has been a constant in my life however my heart indeed belongs to someone else.

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