chapter 9

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Months passed
I haven't felt more alive since my Non came back. Now he is here with me I couldn't be happier. I have been asking him to move in with me but he kept on refusing saying that it is too soon. But I told him I want him to move in since we have wasted so much time apart before. I wanted to savour every minute or seconds that we can spend together. I wanted to see him before I go to sleep and wake up seeing him again. I wanted always to show him how much I cherish and adore him. 

Nanon: "Hey earth to to Ohm...."

Ohm: "Baby, what is the reason why you do not want to move in? Do you still have doubts on how much I love you?"

Nanon: "Babe, why are you in a hurry. We simply spends most of our time together right. Is it not enough? Everything has been too fast and I think that thought is a huge step. We sometimes need a little space to breathe right so let us take thing slow please." 

Nanon hugged and waiting for my reply. I was just looking at him. I know I will not win and I am always the one on his mercy always on the receiving end. All I ever wanted was to be with him always and yet I might be wrong. 

Ohm : "Okay, what ever you want."

After one week
I noticed after our talked Ohm has not said a thing unless being asked. He has been spacing out most of the time. When I invite him for dinner or movie nights he kept saying he is busy and have a lot of things on his plate. It was already lunch time but I have not heard anything from him yet. No call or message at all. 'What he has been doing and forget passing by my office ? Did he totally forgot or just avoiding me?' 'Darn I need to end this, his silence is killing me.' I decided to go to his office but his assistant said he is not around called in sick. I went back to my office and got my things and told my secretary to cancel all my meetings. I need to be with my baby. I pushed the PH button and entered the code which he gave me  the last time I went here. Once the elevator door opened, the place is pretty dark. I opened the blinds and went to my baby's room.  I saw my baby sleeping and I slip under the cover to hug my big baby. When I touched his forehead he is really burning up. I decided to go to the kitchen to get some iced water and put some alcohol. I gave him sponge bath so his temperature lowers down. I cooked some congee so he can eat and be able to drink medicine. Once I am done I woke him up. 

Nanon : "Baby, wake up eat something so you can drink medicine. "

Ohm : "Am I dreaming is it really you? You are here now? I really thought you do not love me." 

Nanon : "Baby, how can you say that. I love you so much. Come, let me feed you so you can drink medicine and get well. "

Ohm sit up and I fed him after a few spoonful he said he does not want anymore, but I told him that he needs to eat well and after sometime  he was able to finish half of the bowl of the congee I made for him. 

Nanon : Baby, drink this and then I will get you another shirt so you will feel refresh. 

Once we are done I tucked him in and was about to stand up. 

Ohm: Don't go please. 

Nanon: Baby, I will be back promise. I will just put this away. 

He let go of my hand. After I put the food tray in the kitchen and the basin. Once I'm done I borrowed a shirt from his cupboard and removed my pants since I have boxers on. I slid over to the bed and put my arms to and hugged my Ohm from the back. His fever subsides now.  Ohm turn around and hugged me tight. 

Nanon: I missed my baby. You have been ignoring me for a week now. 

Ohm : I'm sorry I know I have been putting pressure to you about moving in with me last week. I'm just giving you space so you can decide. 

Nanon: You just don't know how scared I was not seeing you earlier in your office. I thought you left me. 

Ohm: No baby I will not leave you ever. I just don't want to put pressure to you on moving in with me. 

Nanon:  Once your okay I will bring my things here. 

I can see my Ohm a bit confuse while looking at me. 

Nanon: It seems you need someone to always take care of you so you won't get sick anymore so I will be moving here if you still want me to. 

Ohm sit up and cupped my face. 

Ohm: You are not kidding right? You will move in with me.

I'm really glad my Ohm is really happy. I just nodded and kissed him in his forehead. 

Nanon: Yes, baby I will move in with you. Sorry to keep you... 

Before I even finish my sentence. Ohm smash his lips on me and kissed me deeply.  I positioned him on top of me straddle so we can both access. I conquered his mouth and search for his tongue and sucked it like there is no tomorrow. My Ohm hands travels down and lifts up my shift. 

Nanon : Baby you are still weak. 

Ohm: I'm good now you cured me you are my medicine. 

Once my Ohm removed my shirt, he trail kisses in my earlobe, neck and chest until he suck and licked my nipple. I missed my Ohm so much and been dying to have him inside me. I removed my clothes while both of our lips are simply glued to each other. 

Nanon: Baby, relax let me do the work. Just save your energy and enjoy. 

I went down on Ohm and we have made love for the rest of the evening.

PS sorry just it is really hard to find inspiration now... you know what I mean...

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