Chapter 7

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I was over the moon once I cleared up thing with my Non. We have been sitting here on the sofa for hours now and would you believe he let me hug him. He is now sitting in front of me with his back in my chest and now sounds asleep. He dozed off after a few minutes of telling me stories of what he has been for the past two years. I just love this part, cuddle moments just how we used to before. I kissed the temple of Non. Non moved his head and faced me. "Do you want me to carry you to bed so you can sleep well."
"Hmmmp yes please."
I carried my Non to be and tucked him  to bed and his forehead. "I will go now. Sleep well and see you later."
Non hold my hands
"Don't go it is already late. Please stay."
"Okay baby. Can I remove my clothes you know me I only sleep with my boxers on."
"Yeah if you want to take a shower you can just grab things you need in the closet."
"No baby I will just remove these clothes and will join you in a bit."
I lay down beside Non.
"Can I hug you baby? I just miss how we cuddle to sleep."
I hugged Non from the back and nestled my face in his neck. This feels like home. This is where I belong.
"How I dreamed about this moment for years. I love you so much thank you for this chance again. I will never let you go baby."
Non just pulled my hand tighter. I kissed his neck multiple times. Non moved his face to face me and kiss my forehead, my nose and cheeks.
"Baby can I kiss you?"
"You jerk you have been kissing me already why ask for permission now."
I took the chance to kiss his lips. This is what I wanted to do since I fell in love with my Non. The kiss was light at first but when I felt that Non responded I deepen the kiss. I love my Non so much. I moved and now I am on top of my Non. My hand travelled under his shirt. His skin is so smooth and his tummy is really fluffy. I kissed him in his neck and moved his shirt up to nibble his nipple. My hands travelled down the waistband of his PJs. "Down boy, you need to wait for that."
I smiled and nestled my head on his neck again. "Sorry baby I almost lost it. I am willing to wait. Don't be mad at me please..."
"I am not mad, let us just take thing slow okay."
"Yes baby."
"Let us sleep now and we still have office tomorrow."
"Baby we can stay whole day here I can cancel everything and just cuddle."
"Nope we have a lot of things to do. Let us now go to sleep."
We cuddled until we both feel asleep.

I woke up because of the beaming light. Ohm's hand is in my waist tightly holding me down. I moved his hair away from his face. 'I thought I will have no chance of seeing your face this close again'
Ohm moved and smiled at me "Good morning baby."
"Good morning. Did you sleep well."
"Yes baby, I have not sleep well since the day you left. I don't actually sleep in a bed since I feel something missing.."
"I'm sorry I left... I should have stayed and just waited for the time that you loved me back."
I hugged my Non tight. "No baby I should be the one to say sorry cause I took everything for granted coz I am too confident that you will not leave mme and that you will always be by my side. But the day I arrive hom and you are not there I felt really empty I felt I died inside. My heart broke into thousand pieces. I cannot breathe at all. I do not know how I was able to go thru years of not having you in my arms. Specially when I met the accident. I cried everyday I just wanted to rush things to get better so I can look for you. When I was able to recover and travel I made sure to go to Changmai to see you even from a distance. I even followed you to the gym, movie theatre and even to the grocery."
"So you are a stalker Mr. Ohm Pawat."
"Yes I am willing to be one for you. When I heard the company you are working with is in financial crisis. I made sure that my company acquires it and have you transferred here to Bangkok again."
"Really manipulative hahahaha."
"Well you know me. If Dew did not leave you I will assign him to the farthest branch so I can have you."
"Hahaha... You are really so lovesick. But I will be honest with you even though we dated I did not come to the love stage. I did care for him but not enough to love him. I said yes since I thought I can get over you since Dew is really a catch you know."
"Hmmmp I'm hugging you now and you are telling me that some guy is a catch. You are hurting me huhuhuhu.."
"Don't sulk you are by far ahead of him in any aspect."
"Do you mean that you still love me baby?"
"I might still but you need to prove to me that you are worth it."
"I will work my ass off and show you every second how much I love you."
"We will see.... C'mon we need to get ready we office today."
My Non stand up and was about to go to the bathroom. "Baby mind if I join you."
"Nuuuh... Better luck next time."
"Baby you are on I will show you how Ohm Pawat flirts until you fall hard again for me."
"You are all talk I want proof... Proofs Ohm Pawat."

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