chapter 10

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It is always nice knowing that when I wake up and before I go to sleep the person that I see is my beloved Non. It's been months since he move in and everything was a bliss. I woke up early and just wanted to admire the beauty of my baby. I can't hold back and have gives pepper kisses into my baby. 

Nanon: Babe it is still early.

Ohm: Good morning baby. Wake up let us eat breakfast and we need to go somewhere.

Nanon : Give me ten more minutes babe. I am still sleepy.

Ohm : Please baby get up now w can't be late.

Nanon pulled me closer in a tight hug.

Nanon : Can't we just stay like this. It is Saturday. Just wanted to sleep the whole day.

Ohm : Baby please do it for me. Do this as your gift for me.

Nanon: Gift for you?

Nanon suddenly rose up and grabbed his phone.

Nanon : I'm sory babe I totally forgot. Why did my alarm did not work. Wait stay here.

Nanon run towards the other room. When he return he is holding a cake in his hands and lighting the candle.

Nanon : Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you...
Blow your candle and make a wish babe.

Ohm : Where did you hide the cake now. Thanks baby. I love you so much.

Nanon : I hid it in the other rooom's ref. I know you don't go there and I hid it when I came last night. Babe, blow you candles now and make a wish.

Ohm : I wanted to blow something else not just the candle. And I do not need to wish anything since I already have you.

Nanon : blow your candle first and why not I do the honor.

Nanon bent down and pulled down my boxers down and grace my junior and swallowed it whole.

Ohm : You will be the death of me baby.

Nanon swallowed my whole shaft and has been licking it like eating an ice cream. Before I loosed my sanity I pulled him up and positioned him straddle in my thighs near my groin. We make out a lot and he has been sucking my neck and chest. I removed Non's boxer and splashed ample amount of lube in my junior and instructed Non to ride me. We really compliment each others need in bed. While he is on top of me I am having a feast seeing such beauty in front of me. I cannot ask for more since I already got the best gift ever. When we fall apart before my life was a mess and so dull. My reason for living left me but when we he came back it is like I was given a second life to live again.
After the deed we were both tired and just slept  hugging each other.  Now that I have the most precious gift in my arms I don't want to go anywhere and just wanted to give him the ring now.... Yes I am proposing to my baby today.

I woke up seeing my man in front me. He is like a drug that I can't get enough. Like my favourite food that I want to eat every day. Like air that I will not be able to live without. I kissed his forehead, his eyes, his nose then his lips.

Ohm : Babe you want another round?

Nanon: Baby I am starving.

Ohm : I am am here baby eat your feast.

Nanon: Silly I mean real food.

Ohm. : Oh okay I'm sorry baby let us take a shower then let us eat out before we head to our destination.

Nanon : Where are we exactly going Mr. CEO. It is a work day remember.

Ohm : Nope I declared that we both take a leave today and told the office not to bother us.

Nanon : you what? How about your back to back meetings is it not a Monday today?

Ohm : I only want to spend this day with you with no disturbance.

Nanon : Okay let us take a shower then we have breakfast.

After we are done another make out session while taking a shower. We went to our favourite cafe.

Nanon: Babe we are we exactly going later?

Ohm : It is a surprise.

Nanon : Isn't unfair for you. It is your birthday but instead of me having a surprise for you l. You are the on e that makes one.

Ohm : Baby your happiness is my happiness.

I kissed Ohm in the lips. I cannot contain how much I love and adore him.

Ohm : Let us go now baby before I  loose my mind and made love with you here.

We laugh hard thinking about the scenario of them. Ohm got my hand and we walk until we reached his car.

Sorry that I just updated now. A few more chapters and we are in our road to forever.

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