Road to forever

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We have been driving for a while now but my Ohm is pretty secretive today and does not want to tell me where exactly going.

Nanon: Babe, do you want me to drive instead?

Ohm just kissed my hands which he has been holding on while driving.

Ohm: Nope I am good as long as I have you and we are almost there just a few more minutes.

Nanon: Wait I think I remember this place. Don't tell me we are going to...

Ohm : Yes, you are right. Where I first laid eyes on you. The place where I fell in love.

Nanon: Wow, I have not been here for ages since my family moved out. By the way why are we here?

Ohm : It is a secret promise.

He just gave me a wink and kissed me again. Once he turned the corner and passed away our old house I could see the old park where we used to play all lit with string lights and have decorations.
I was in awe when we stopped exactly in front of the merry go round and saw the arrangement and decorated ride.

Nanon: Babe, what are these?

He just kissed me and smiled. He went down and opened my door and let me out of the car holding my hands.

Ohm: You know I have ideas first of having a scavenger hunt with you finding words regarding my question but even if you are very patient and would be totally game for it. I will not be since I want you to be mine for so long so I will let you get down the chaste. Baby, can you turn the merry go round a bit.

Nanon: What are you up to Babe?

Ohm : Please just turn it. Do it for me.

Nanon : Okay I am turning it now.

Once I turned it I could see what he wanted to ask. I looked at my Ohm and can't contain my tears now.

Ohm : Nanon, you are my life. You are the reason I exist and breathe. Thank you for giving me another chance. I know before I blew up everything and was really lucky that you gave my life back again by coming back to me. Please do me the honor of spending a lifetime and if God allows us I wanted to spend every of my lives with you no matter what. Nanon Korapat Kirdpan please do me an honor  of holding your hands forever. Will you marry me?

Nanon : Oh my God. Of course I will marry you babe. I can't leave without you either.

After I hugged Ohm fireworks started.

Nanon : My God, Babe I love you.

Ohm: I love you more baby you are my life and I can't wait to spend it with you. Thank you for saying yes.

Nanon : I will always say yes to you anytime.

The End...

Hi guys,

Finishing stories nowadays are really hard since all my stories were anchored on both ON. I just wished my boys can be back being friends.

Thank you all for making time to my stories.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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