Chapter 4

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After I received the phone call from Ohm, I couldn't move and I was really flustered right now. Yes I know Ohm, we have been friends since  we are kids and I know about Nanon even before I met him. Ohm asked me to look for Nanon when he left years ago and when I saw Nanon I fell in love at first sight. I didn't know it was even possible. I tried to avoid the feeling since I know that Nanon still loves Ohm since he has been our topic since we met in a bar.  Even though Nanon always says that he doesn't have any feelings for Ohm but I know deep inside he still longs for him. My task is to get Nanon back for Ohm but since I fell hard for Nanon. I cut ties and end my communication with Ohm. I told him last that I did not see Nanon. I befriended Nanon and after a year he allowed me to court him and date after that. Though we have been together for months now I never heard Nanon say the L word.
"Dew, is there any problem? Who called you? You seemed to have seen a ghost."
I smiled and cupped Nanon face. "Not to worry love just thought of something."
"Okay, common I'm starving. I had a really bad day I need to get out of here."
I hold his hands and we decided to eat in a restaurant near the office since we both have business after lunch.
"So love how was it? How was your encounter with Ohm? Did he tell you anything?"
"Same as usual wanting me back drama that he has been looking for me or something. As if he made efforts."
"Love what if he woe you again and tell you he loves you what will you do."
"Are you kidding me that guy only love himself. That won't happen in this lifetime."
"First and for all he did not make any effort for the last two years so why have a fuzz now."
"But you will be both working close in projects now. I will be back to manage Chiang Mai. I will be far away from you."
"Do you need to go love? Can you stay here with me?"
"I need to go back later after my meeting with the new CEO."
"What I thought we will be together later you know we have unfinished business love."
"As much I love to stay long but there are work emergency in the branch that I need to attend to at once that can't wait till tomorrow.
"What if I just resign love? I don't want to be left behind here."
"Unfortunately you can't sign a freaking contract."
My phone buzz and saw a text message reminding me about the meeting with Ohm. As much as I hate it I need to face him again. To face an old friend.
"Finish your food love and we need to go back to the office in a few minutes."

"Drake, how have you?"
"I'm good so you are here about Nanon right?"
"Tell me everything. You know what happened to me but I had some men look for him but one seems to betray me since I saw them close them an hour ago."
"Okay well since your accident did not even become public at all does Nanon even know what happened to you?"
"I honestly don't know... Well tell me what happened to my Non?"
"Okay as far as I know he has been working in the Phuket branch for two years and also helping out other branches as well such as Changmai, where he met Dew. Which was the dick that you sent to look after your beloved but seems to take his chance and woe Nanon for himself. "
"So they have been dating now?"
"As per my theerak, just started recently. He woed Nanon for more than a year and recently he agreed to try to give it a try. They have an open relationship as of the moment."
"What the hell is an open relationship?"
"They are together but have no commitments since  Nanon does not believe in commitments."
"Dating but no commitments?"
"Meaning they are dating but still can see other people. Your Nanon does not believe in love anymore. And one thing that I have heard before while Nanon and Wai are talking he said Nanon have never said anything about Love to Dew."
"So meaning technically I can get back my Nanon."
"Dude I'm telling you, that will gonna be hard since your Nanon built a great wall so you won't be able to reach him."
"He loved me before I'm sure he will love me again."
"Good luck with that bro. A big goodluck."
After I met with Drake, I prepared myself to meet Dew. That asshole will pay he betrayed me. 

I know I messed up big time I owe Ohm a lot. My family is debted to his family. When he had an accident I was helping him find his true love and yet in the process I fell in love with Nanon. I don't know what will happen after this talk. I know I was wrong in so many things. Ohm has been my best friend since childhood. We practically grew up together. His father sent me and my siblings to school. They even took care of us when my father died in an accident. Until now they are covering my mother's hospitalization due to her cancer. I love my family so much and they are still my first priority. I know what I have done is so wrong in many ways. I was sent by Ohm to Non to tell him about Ohm's condition that he was in an accident and can't walk for more than a year. He was in an accident while looking for Nanon. It was raining hard that time and we told him to just go the next day but he said he might missed Nanon again so he decided to go even  it is raining so hard. His car crashed to a tree since he avoided the landslide. He was in terrible pain and had low chances of walking but he was determined to get back on his feet and find Nanon himself.
As I walk slowly and when I reached the door. I knocked and opened the door
"Hello Ohm, nice to see you brother."
Ohm was just looking at me. "Why of all people, why did you betrayed me. Have I been bad to you and your family?"
"Ohm I am really sorry I know how grave are the things that I have done on you. You know I avoided falling for Nanon. But at the end I fell in love with him."
"So what now, I came back to get what is really mine. Nanon was mine from the very start. You know that right."
"Yes I know. I also know that Nanon still love you until now. I know he was just with me because of his kind heart and I have been a constant part of him this past years but I know deep in his heart you still own that guy. Starting tomorrow I will be gone from his life. I wish to resign as well and will just follow my mother in New Zealand and be with her there. I'm really sorry Ohm I hope we can still make amends and still be brothers."

I was speechless, I was supposed to render some kick ass speech but Dew said it all. I still love and value Dew as my brother. We have been in the toughest time. After his speech only thing I was able to do was hug this dude I call brother. Dew left after our talk since he needs to go to the branch he is assigned to and arranged everything before he leaves.

Now I need to plan on how to woe my Non the love of my life. I will definitely have you back again in my arms.

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